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Italian immigrants during the war.


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If you are talking about prisoners of war, I think they were interned at Lodge Moor. At some point they were allowed into the city unescorted, you would see them walking around the Rag and Tag, they wore denim with patches. I'm wondering, did'nt some marry local girls?

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i lived at stannington and remember ilTIns qorking











i lived in stannington then and remember them working on a site building prefabs. between siddons quarry and the shops at the top.harrisons.grocers/etc.passed them on my way to school.

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There you go again Fleetwood, reminding me of days gone bye. That camp at Lodge Moor, I always thought it was for German POW's. I remember when I was about age 11 or so, a gang of us had gone up to Lodge Moor and walked to Stanedge Pole and fooled around all day on the Edge. On the way back, we were passing the camp, and decided to climb the walls and have a look at the prisoners. So there we were, shouting the usual anti Nazi stuff, giving it the 'Sieg Heil', and all the insults our tiny minds could think of, and suddenly I realised I was on my own up there. I was clinging on to the barbed wire on top of the wall and looking down I saw all my mates were having it away up the road and immediately below me was this Military Police Sergeant. He beckoned me down from the wall with a lot of verbal accompaniment to which I complied.

On reaching the ground he grabbed my ear and marched me toward the main gate. There were a hell of a lot of people there,I remember, I was a bit perturbed to say the least.

Drastic measures were called for. Without a thought for my ear, I pulled away and ran.

Even now I can remember this guys army boots clattering right behind me. I'll say this for him, he lasted a hundred yards or so before I left him behind. I could shift a bit back then, he hadn't a chance really. My ear hurt for days and I was the hero of the hour among my cohorts. Pity they didn't warn me, the b*******.

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  • 2 months later...
Does anyone know what happened to the Italians living in Sheffield during

WW1 & 2 ? Were they interned for the duration of the war and if so, where?


Len F.


Hi Len,


An Italian lived on our road and his daughters went to our school (you must remember them) Their Dad was interned for the duration, but do'nt know where

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Hi ptrA


Yes I remember the family. I have a group photo with the 2 sisters taken in the Hodkin & Jones air raid shelter on Queens Rd in 1940/42 - it was a Christmas party. I wonder what happened to the family? The name was Del Mistro. I think one of the girls was called Amelia. Len.F

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Does anyone know what happened to the Italians living in Sheffield during

WW1 & 2 ? Were they interned for the duration of the war and if so, where?


Len F.


I don't know widespread you mean by Sheffield, but some were in a camp in Treeton, later used as bevin huts for the miners. They were allowed to move freely in the village, some became friends with inhabitants.

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Does anyone know what happened to the Italians living in Sheffield during

WW1 & 2 ? Were they interned for the duration of the war and if so, where?


Len F.


The Italians were on our side during WW1, there was a front between Italy and Austria.

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