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Tequila - pre-Kingdom bar?


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Does anyone else find it a bit morbid that Tequila on West Street is the unofficial official pre-Kingdom bar? I mean the former being a classy late night cocktail bar that pretty much lives up to it's reputation and the latter being a meat market that refuses entrance for those who were over dressed?


Go in toTequila on Monday nights and witness for yourself - you will be amazed!

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That is a shame. Tequila is nice and should do anything it can to disassociate itself from the hell of Kingdom.

Still, they've got to make money I guess. Pity, as they will be losing mine the next time I'm in town on a Monday.

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Originally posted by ngie1

I mean the former being a classy late night cocktail bar


I too once had this misconception about Tequila. And then I went there on a Friday night...and found it full of slighty "mature" ladies dressed like the majority of Kingdom's clientele. Not nice! Raa raa skirts were not intended for the over 40s in my opinion :shakes:

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