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Just moved house - unwelcoming neighbour

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I moved house last week to a lovely bungalow after 4 years in a flat. On Monday, my brother came round to do some bits and pieces, including putting a rotary airer in the garden.


Within seconds, my doorbell rang and a woman was ranting on my doorstep about not wanting to look at my washing out of her kitchen window - I didnt know who she was, where she lived or anything but she was almost abusive. She had obviously been watching everything that was going on from her place 3 doors away. Sh has a weird kitchen extension with a picture window that looks sideways up across everyone's gardens


I was completley taken aback - she suggested impractical places to put it and said how ridiculous to have a garden as nice as mine then put washing in it!


Silly me took it down but now I am sooooo angry that she could turn up, not even introduce herself, not even say welcome to your new home and make me feel like some sort of idiot for wanting to dry my washing outside!


Any thoughts anyone, is a rotary airer a carbuncle on the gardens of Beauchief?


I feel she could turn into a real harrasser (if that's a word) and am really quite upset

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Tell her to sod off, its only for a few hours a day and if she doesnt like it she shouldnt have built an extention which allows her to see into other peoples gardens! I feel so sorry for you to have to put up with someone as awful as that.


Oh, and welcome to your new home :)

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Put it back up if you want. If she whines again, just tell her that your family are of Austrailian decent, and one of yer distant reletives invented the rotary washing line and that you take offence at her belittling your forefarthers contributions to the evolution of the world.


She'll either be dumbfounded and hopefully speachless or so confused that she'll wonder off trying to work out if you were takin' the wee or not.

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