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Just moved house - unwelcoming neighbour

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I have got some very old horrible curtains which have been in the shed for years (i have used them as dust sheets when painting) - they are covered in every colour paint you can imagine, and have holes in them.


You can borrow them if you like to hang on your rotary airer, and leave them until i need them to decorate again - probably about a year!:hihi::hihi:

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Have you introduced yourself to your new neighbors? If she's in with them then exacerbating the situation could cause you other problems.....you seem the mild mannered type so causing any friction between your other neighbors (if they like her) may increase your anxiety. Don't forget you have to live there. We don't.

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That is bad, do you have a wooden fence?

I'd paint a great big F88K OFF sign, stick in my garden, grab a deckchair/porta-loo, strip to my undies, and sit out in the back with some orange juice, watching my washing dry.

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Hubby gets back and looks out the window, and I turn the sign around "YOU CAN F88K OFF TOO, TAKE HEED", whilst in the meantime i've ran out of orange juice and moved on to sharpening my axe.

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Day 1 Post Airer Erection.....


Well no visitors last night, car unmarked, no dead equines in my bed.


Have you introduced yourself to your new neighbors? If she's in with them then exacerbating the situation could cause you other problems.....you seem the mild mannered type so causing any friction between your other neighbors (if they like her) may increase your anxiety. Don't forget you have to live there. We don't.


My immediate neighbour (in between me and Mrs Bucket) is 95 and on permanent oxygen so I haven't called there yet til I see she has visitors as I don't to disturb her- my neighbours the other side are great and are of the general SF opinion of Stick It Up.


I suppose the fun will really start from the old lady dies and new people move in there - pity them, if Hyacinth can complain apbout my airer, what will she have to say as the place is renovated! She'll be apoplexic!

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You should show some respect and not have your washing out. They were there first, and I'm sure they wouldn't want to see some ex-council house tennant hanging out their shoddy Matalan/Primark clobber right outside their kitchen window.


What next? Burning rubbish every night and having a sofa outside the front garden whilst getting wrecked on nasty cheap cider?

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