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Just moved house - unwelcoming neighbour

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Thanks again everybody. I shall be out there tomorrow - nothing offensive, just a bath towel - oops that's not what I'll be wearing, that's what I will hang on the line :-)


If she comes round I shall say I have taken advice from several sources (SF!) and that she has no right to dictate what I can or can't do in my garden.


As several people have pointed out, this isn't the sort of person that I would choose to spend any time with so I'm not worried about spoiling what may (or may never!) have been a life long friendship.


Good for you. If she does descend on you again, console yourself with the fact that she isn't your next door neighbour. Just think of what those poor souls must have to put up with.

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It sounds to me like your washing line wasn't the problem at all. Such an extreme over-reaction on her part could only mean that she is suffering from stress/mental health problems/a personality disorder or all three. If I was you I'd just feel sorry for her and take no notice.

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If she was that rude and ignorant, you can guarantee that she's done it before to others in the area. Strikes me she is just a regular pain in the arse, and probably acts the same with relatives, Mrs Bucket springs to mind. Take no notice, bide your time, and if she ever needs help of any sort, tell her to get lost.

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She sounds like the neighourhood bully ..... and dictating what you can or can not do in your own garden was her way of letting you know whos in charge. She shouldnt even be looking into your garden anyway .......... nosey bullying old bat. Fill that washing line come rain or shine, if she starts again send her back with a flea in her ear.


Let us know how you get on tomorrow :thumbsup:

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If I were you I'd go round to her house, or post a note through the door to tell her you don't like the idea that she can look straight into your garden and that you are taking legal advice about getting her to board her window up so that she can't. I'm sure there are laws about overlooking people's property. Even if there aren't, it'll give her a few days worry trying to find out if you can do anything about it :hihi:

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Tell her you don't particularly like the idea of her constantly looking in your garden anyway, and if she doesn't like what she sees there, she can always look at her own garden instead.


Quite! What a cheeky woman - and not even living directly next door to you either. Obviously completely mad! She should try living in "posh" (allegedly) Lodge Moor - we all hang our washing outside up here! And nothng beats the smell of washing dried on the line - I hate stuff that's come out of the tumble drier.

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Symphathise with her. Tell her how the house 3 doors up the road has spoilt their lovely garden by building a monstrosity of an extension in it. You hate to have to look at it when you are hanging out your washing and are thinking of going around to demand they take it down.



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