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SHEFFIELD - 'the hardest place to gig'.


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I put on bands but the band are expected to draw a crowd and pull in people to support them, rather than turning up expecting a full crowd who are just willing to listen to anything.



A lot depends on your venue and whether you get a crowd anyway or whether people will just go to see a particular band.


I used to put regular rock gigs on years ago at the University and can remember being offered Faith No More first time they came over to the UK. I knew they were a great band - but equally knew no one would come if I put them on.


I suggested the Leadmill - who did band & disco for £2 on a sat (!!) and had people who'd go down on spec to see whoever was on - would be a better bet and sure enough thats where they played - not to a packed house by anymeans- but far more than we'd have got. The flip side is that there is no way the Leadmill would have put on some of the bands we did (a lot of thrash & grebo - as was the fashion then!) and who we got good crowds for.

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The hardest? I could get a gig for anyone in Sheffield regardless of your age, talent or music, to be honest I could set up a gig for someone who has never played music or even sung a note before...good gigs are another thing...that's where it helps to be a bit more rehearsed and professional sounding.


But it would help if you actually revealed a name of the act, the style etc. is it just one person? if so is it music or spoken word poetry?? solo singer with backing track? a rapper? a full band, pop, rock, country?

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what's the band's name? the secrecy is unnecessary and is rapidly making me lose interest.


"I didn't post the link because I genuinely wanted to hear peoples thoughts on which venues/promoters do a good job over here. Rather than have a discussion on the merits of the act itself."


I am sorry if I've made you lose interest. I'll PM you the band myspace but I'd prefer if we keep the thread along the lines of what I indicated above.

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However, different promoters are good for different styles/genres, thus keeping the artist a secret is inhibiting any real form of progress really. There are massively different music scenes in Sheffield, so it's pretty silly to lump it all in as one homogeneous mass, and also fail to recognise that to get a gig you have to discuss with the venue/promoters that deal with your particular niche.

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However, different promoters are good for different styles/genres, thus keeping the artist a secret is inhibiting any real form of progress really. There are massively different music scenes in Sheffield, so it's pretty silly to lump it all in as one homogeneous mass, and also fail to recognise that to get a gig you have to discuss with the venue/promoters that deal with your particular niche.


He has played on indie, metal, punk, post-rock, electonica and acoustic based gigs. We have a gig lined up at a university and one at a naval base. He has played outdoor festivals, house partys, college dormatories - everywhere. I think I can honestly say he could play anywhere and appeal to the audience in front of him. I will state though that acoustic nights are not what we are after though.


If any promoters or venues want to know more and discuss it fire me a PM over.


And apologies to those who are disappointed this thread is not simply a 'what dya think of this act' snoozefest.


There are other threads in this forum to amuse and please you I am sure.

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fire me a PM over.


backhander, i really think you're going about this the wrong way. you're asking other people to make an effort for you "ie YOU make the effort to pm ME" whilst being all coy about the band in question. people are busy, people are lazy, people can't be bothered. i'm having a tea break and still trying to help you. most people will simply give up with you.


if you're going to seriously garner interest in a product/service/band then you are going to get people debating it and some people will slag it off and others will praise it. that's what happens when you get talked about.


what you're doing is the equivalent of walking round town with a plate of cakes and having the following conversation with a crowd.


you: "i just flew in from the US with these fantastic cakes. where can i sell them?"

member of public: "can we have a taste to see what they're like?"

you: "nope! however if you write to me i'll maybe let you have a taste later."


crowd drifts off having lost interest instead of jumping up and down talking about the cake they just tasted. geddit? :)



you will get the band talked about more if you post a link to the myspace, it's not rocket science.

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We have already had one confirmed gig offer and five other individuals interested in the idea - plus we've actually had offers from elsewhere in Yorkshire. So not every one is as lazy as you think.


And I am not sure what your hangup is. I am not trying to promote the act on this thread - and I am not wanting the act 'talked about more' as you put it. So there is absolutly no need to post up the myspace link - its the exact opposite of what I want - I only want to discuss ideas directly with promoters/venues.


When a specific gig is confirmed and publicised then people can either jump up and down, slag the music off or drift on with indifference. That time is not now.

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It's just that IMO, you started the thread with the title...


"Sheffield - 'the hardest to place to gig'"


Yet the whole thread seems to be relating to which venues you can get your band on at and who can help you do it? Seems like looking for gigs (i.e. promoting) rather than asking a question about Sheffield being the hardest place to gig, which, incidentally is ridiculous anyway! Sheffield's a city that has produced several charting bands in the last year, so at least one or two of them must have found it easy to here!

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