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Tinsley Cooling Towers a sad end anybody be there to film it ???


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If you want to make history you can text Towers to 82085 and enter the draw to set off the flare which begins the countdown to demolition - all proceeds will be shared to two local charities Neurocare at the Royal Hallamshire and Rotherham Hospice. There is a book and postcards on sale at Meadowhall and these funds also go to the two charities - Meadowhall are also opening their car parks on the morning for anyone wanting to watch


So come on - enter the spirit - to some of you they may be lumps of concrete but to others they signify you are home - Lets hope they put something in their place - they removed the bull from Avesta - now the towers. At least their passing is doing something good for the charities

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Hi All


Exc responce.Glad they are doing something to comemorate this historific event:P


I shall miss them next time i,m back up to Sheffield.Getting my Dad to tape the event on calender and post down to me.Yes i know i,m mad :loopy:


Wish i could be in the car park in Meadowhall for this.


Maybe they should get all the undesirables in the area and strap them too it..Have a few down here if you run out :D


lets hope theres something good to replace them


Best wishes


Andy M

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Hi again,


On Forum items for sale look under 'seeyoujimmy' he asking if anyone is interested in merchandise regarding the towers.


Lots of interest around here - we all met up last night and we are going to be at Meadowhall on Sunday, we are taking the cameras and videos .


Dont know whether we will be able to get home as they are closing our way of return.. We will see the towers go in style. :thumbsup:

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Hi Beaubon


That would be good.Look forward to seeing some video.Merchandise would be good as long as it not 10,000 + original tower bricks on ebay lol:hihi:


Cheers Bud,Hope its a good felling:o


Andy M

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