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Any Motorbike Fans out There?


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ditto! got leathers and helmet due to doing motorbike training 2 yrs ago. Not got my own bike but am a pillion groupie - always asking anyone who will take me if I can hop on the back!


Btw - didnt pass full test as failed theory (after only 25 years of driving!) so never went in for full road test. Now the flippin cbt which I DID pass has expired! Might have to get myself back and do it - yesterdays weather was a beaut for a ride out!:clap:

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well Muddy - seeing as how you obviously live so near and as a repayment for taking that short cut home from the pub over private land(!) then I hope you will take me for a ride - so to speak! (better half permitting of course - yours not mine that is!)

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Originally posted by msbehavin

well Muddy as a repayment for taking that short cut home from the pub over private land

Will certainly...

By the way the worse culprit for the passage is the old fella with the little red car.. you get a very amusing note if you park in front of his garage ..... :loopy:

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Or try this link.... http://www.longriders-uk.com/


This is a bike club based in Sheffield - they are doing an easter egg run on the 27th March in aid of a local charity (also happens to be my birthday)


So if you can make it, please do - all are welcome


PLEASE NOTE - The website contains some adult material - e.g photos of rally's, days out etc.


And yes,I am a member and no, I have no pillion passenger at the moment..........

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