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The OTHER cooling towers at Blackburn Meadows


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I'm suprised no one has mentioned it yet with all the threads about the two cooling towers to be demolished this weekend - but there must be someone on SF that saw the first 5 towers to be demolished (although I'm not sure of the year!)?

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They were not quite the same as the two that were just felled - at least four were shallow square type ones.


Eon have all the details of the new power station on the site - planning applications and documents. The new cooling tower system will be a mere 25m high. The boiler house more prominent at 46m, and the main chimney stack on top of this rises to NINETY metres! See here, pdf file:




Photos of what it may look like at the bottom. If you thought the twin towers were ugly, you are in for a shock...

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my dad fell off one of them while doing repair ,he was still in his wet work wear when mum visited him in the hospital no one dare move him as they thought he was a goner but luck of the Irish he must have slide off that center bulge and into the water below not to much damage ,I seem to think that would be before i was born so early 30s:(:(:(

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I was at the demolition of the previous one to be demolished. My Dad was part of the traffic management division of SYP sorting out the road closures so could bring along some guests. We were quite a long way back but we were still engulfed by the dust. It must have been around the early 70's. I remember my Mother had a tear in her eye after the blast. I asked her why and she said it brought back memories of the War. I took some photographs of the demolition but can't find them at the moment.

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I knew there must have been somebody who was there!

It'd be ace to see photos if you cold find them/upload them maybe?


I have been looking, I came across the negatives a while back but I cant't find them now. They will turn up one day I hope. I wonder if Picture This has any old photos of the original towers. I'll have a look now.

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