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Farewell Tinsley Towers


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With tomorrow morning's demolition in mind, I wondered if any WG contributors felt moved to express their thoughts in poetic fashion?


All contributions welcome, let's keep them on this thread as a collective standing tribute!


My offering appears below.

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They will fall


They fall

As if god’s hand swept across the landscape

Painted them the colour of night sky

But look closer and jagged remains

Last longer than planned

Until the machines of man

Crush them to rubble and dust whence they came

Created to power a forgotten generation

Cut from steel and coal, laughter and pain

Now stacking shelves or watching

Television on the sick

They fall

As if we can pretend the past never existed

Fixated upon erasing instead of recreating we

Rub out lives and buildings, except look

They are still there!

Hollow curves cast into air

Gateway or guardians or just the towers of Tinsley

In our dreams they forever stand

Looking over those who built these towns

Knowing that all the new edifices

Invaders of this landscape

They will fall

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  • 1 month later...

The shoppers milled about their feet

Beneath the concrete towers


Looked for bargains, looked for tat,

Searched the The Lanes and shopped for hours.


Before the lure of Meadowhall

Before regeneration an' all

The Tinsley Two stood tall


We've trundled round the new tram's tracks

And watched their front, their sides, their backs

But trams to them are just a fad

No better than the things they've had


When smoke and coal blew the county forth

And smelting steel made good The North

And good men worked hard for honest pay


Now people throng where they once stood

And Meadowhall does well

And all things that once were good

Are gone.

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