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Aaron Russo: Jewish American patriot

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Aaron Russo died a year ago today. Russo was relatively minor figure in the American entertainment and political worlds but he deserves to be remembered as a great man of principle.


Russo was born in New York into a Sephardic Jewish family of Italian origin. He started work in his family’s clothing business but then moved into entertainment as a rock band promoter. During the 1970s he was the manager and partner of the singer and actress Bette Midler. Subsequently he went into the film industry and produced, amongst other things, Trading Places starring Eddie Murphy.


The clothing trade and Hollywood might be regarded as stereotypically Jewish occupational areas but then Russo’s career took an unusual turn: he became a committed libertarian political activist. He contested the Republican party primary for the governorship of Nevada in 1998: coming second in a four-way race. In 1999 he joined the Libertarian Party calling it his “true political home.” In 2006 Russo wrote, produced and appeared in a documentary film called America: From Freedom to Fascism which highlighted the growing authoritarianism in American life.


Russo was astute and bold enough to speak out against the malign role of the Federal Reserve: why does this essentially private institution have the authority to print and lend money when the government could perfectly well print money itself – without paying any interest? It was Russo’s revelations – in an interview with the radio talk show host Alex Jones - about some of his private social conversations with Nicholas Rockefeller of the Rockefeller banking family that may be of most lasting interest, however.


Russo (left) with Nick Rockefeller. Was Rockefeller one of the masterminds of 9/11? -




Russo said that Rockefeller told him nearly a year before 9/11 that there would be “an event” which would be the launch pad of a never-ending ‘war on terror’. Russo also describes the elite’s goal of having a one world government and all individuals being controlled through having implanted chips by which their personal finances can be monitored. Russo’s interview with Alex Jones gives us a rare glimpse behind the curtain to see the thinking and actions of the world’s political and economic masters. I recommend watching this 10 min excerpt (which also includes a mention of the Rockefellers’ cynical motives for funding the women’s lib movement):




Aaron Russo had the energy and entrepreneurship we associate with America. He also had something which is somewhat rarer today, however: a determination to speak the truth, however unfashionable it might be. For that he very much deserves to be remembered.

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Russo said that Rockefeller told him nearly a year before 9/11 that there would be “an event” which would be the launch pad of a never-ending ‘war on terror’.



Unless he said that before the attack on the Twin Towers, it's a completely worthless statement. Claiming to have known about something, but not making the claim until after it happened, is something any lunatic is capable of - and many lunatics actually do it. See conspiracy websites all over the net.

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Unless he said that before the attack on the Twin Towers, it's a completely worthless statement. Claiming to have known about something, but not making the claim until after it happened, is something any lunatic is capable of - and many lunatics actually do it. See conspiracy websites all over the net.


Rockefeller was not specific about what "the event" would be so there was nothing to tell beforehand. I don't think it's in the clip I linked to but elsewhere in the interview Russo says that when 9/11 happened he did not immediately make a connection with what Rockefeller had said to him. It was only as events unfolded with the first Afghan war and the hyping up of the 'war on terror' that Russo made the inference that 9/11 might have been what Rockefeller was referring to. It's not definitive proof but it is a tantalizing clue.

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Russo was astute and bold enough to speak out against the malign role of the Federal Reserve: why does this essentially private institution have the authority to print and lend money when the government could perfectly well print money itself – without paying any interest?


Best thread of the day, if only all sheffield forumers understood this simple concept and if we took the financial sphere into our hands (and not the private elite) and make our politicians do it for us (at the expense of their jobs/seats in parliament) we would have instant nirvana.

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Unless he said that before the attack on the Twin Towers, it's a completely worthless statement. Claiming to have known about something, but not making the claim until after it happened, is something any lunatic is capable of - and many lunatics actually do it. See conspiracy websites all over the net.


the guy was well connected and well in with the jewish born elite bankers, social and political class. him saying it has far more weight than a spotty teenagers on the net crying conspiracy theory.

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If conspiracy is your thing, have a look at the link


I often thought there was something really strange about the whole twin towers and the way they went down and some people had similar thoughts about flight 93...

After listening to this i started to agree with them.


If you decide to watch it, dont let the music put you off. Its not played all the way through and all the important stuff is repeated a couple of times.

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If conspiracy is your thing, have a look at the link


I often thought there was something really strange about the whole twin towers and the way they went down and some people had similar thoughts about flight 93...

After listening to this i started to agree with them.


If you decide to watch it, dont let the music put you off. Its not played all the way through and all the important stuff is repeated a couple of times.


I know I’m digressing but these theories need to be put to bed (from the youtube link).


'You did great' could easily have been the passenger next to the woman, tying to keep her calm. Especially if they where making the call secretly in order not to draw attention from the Hijackers who had already killed the pilots.


Mobile (Cell) phones do work on planes and at the altitude the plane was flown, access to a mast would have been no different than someone on the ground.


"Contrary to Dewdney's findings, we have received reports that cell phones do work from aircraft. Other evidence that cell phone calls are possible from jetliners in flight comes from a study by Carnegie Mellon researchers that monitored spectrum frequencies generated by cell phone transmissions during commercial passenger flights. They found that an average of one to four cell phone calls are made during a typical flight. 1 Furthermore, most of the calls from Flight 93 were apparently made from airphones, not cell phones, with the few cell phone calls apparently happening late in the flight when the jetliner's altitude was low. "



That video is just old hashed theories that have been discredited already.

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