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Bottled Water

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All water has been through people thousands of times. Its called the water cycle, and whether its been bottled by some money grabbing company or straight out from the tap, it has still been through the water cycle many, many times. Did you not do geography at school?

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Originally posted by t020

All water has been through people thousands of times. Its called the water cycle, and whether its been bottled by some money grabbing company or straight out from the tap, it has still been through the water cycle many, many times. Did you not do geography at school?

I wouldn't say thousands of times.

A survey was taken and apparently the water in London has passed through an average 200 people by the time it reaches your glass.


Still not a nice thought though!

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Well, I did GCSE Geography and precipitation was covered in much more depth than in Science. Also, remember that humans are relatively 'new' to the planet, and that water we drink has probably even been through a Dinosaur! When I think about it, I'd rather the water was treated and not that natural. I never drink water on its own though because its repulsive. Sometimes I add orange to it, but mostly I prefer Coke or Pepsi. Unhealthy I know, but I don't pretend otherwise, and I certainly don't sit with a bottle of 'Healthy' mineral water in one hand and a pack of high fat crisps in the other.

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If you get water from a spring then at least you know its not passed through other peoples bodies as it comes direct from the hills.

Mind you we have a large bottle at work and take turns in filling it up with tap water for the kettle.

The tea point is up a floor so one idol work colleague dicides to fill the bottle by the water cooler to save him walking upstairs.

When the water from the cooler is boiled it leaves a fatty substance in the kettle almost immediately which tells me that spring water is actually full of fat.

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Originally posted by The Cycleracer

If you get water from a spring then at least you know its not passed through other peoples bodies as it comes direct from the hills.

Erm, correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't think we had an infinite supply of water on Earth, so finding some water that's not already passed through someone at some point in its lifetime is highly unlikely, isn't it?
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I remember reading a story many years ago about some water being found in Africa which had been stored in barrels and left over from WWII. It seems this water was the purest in the world as it had no radiation in it at all. Every other source of water on the planet has traces of radiation due to our playing around with nuclear power and bombs. This includes water drawn from ice from the Arctic and Antarctic, don't ask me how, maybe it's an apocryphal story.


The water in springs has fallen as rain at some point in the near past so it too is contaminated not so much with urine but with whatever we dump in the atmosphere/oceans.


Stick to red wine.

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Originally posted by Tony Ruscoe

Erm, correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't think we had an infinite supply of water on Earth, so finding some water that's not already passed through someone at some point in its lifetime is highly unlikely, isn't it?

You stand corrected.

If rain falls directly on to the top of a hill, filters through some underground natural draining system and renters out of a natural spring flow then that water has never touched human organs.

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