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Hillsborough Shops Of The Past

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Out of interest, does anybody know when Dunelm Mills was built on that site. I can't remember it being built or if it was another shop before. I remember my grandparents taking my siblings and I to a place in Hillsborough with a swing, but like a homemade one (a bit vague I know, but its one of my earliest memories). I've lived in Hillsborough all my life and I know it wasn't somewhere obvious or remaining nowadays. So when I read about this 'Tarzan field' it reminded me. My grandparents aren't with me any more to ask. Any help is much appreciated.




Also just to add, the first house I lived in was on Treswell crescent, which is what made me think this location possible.


It was a supermarket and before that it was a garage or a car sales I cannot quite remember,Hillsbro may be able to tell you more.

I don't remember a swing anywhere I don't think there would be a swing in the Tarzan field only perhaps a bit of old rope slung over a tree.

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It was a supermarket and before that it was a garage or a car sales I cannot quite remember,Hillsbro may be able to tell you more.

I don't remember a swing anywhere I don't think there would be a swing in the Tarzan field only perhaps a bit of old rope slung over a tree.


Hmmm, thats ruled that out then. Oh well, guess I will probably never know. Its just one of those memories i have, but just no idea where it was. Thanks for replying though.

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It was a supermarket and before that it was a garage or a car sales I cannot quite remember,Hillsbro may be able to tell you more...
Fred Wilson's garage/car dealership was built around the mid-1960s; before that I only remember the waste land, and going down to the riverside fishing for tiddlers. I dont remember a swing, but there were some swings at the back of Regent Court flats, beside the tennis courts.
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Fred Wilson's garage/car dealership was built around the mid-1960s; before that I only remember the waste land, and going down to the riverside fishing for tiddlers. I dont remember a swing, but there were some swings at the back of Regent Court flats, beside the tennis courts.


Interesting, suppose it could be Regent Court, like I said I'll never actually be sure. Thanks for taking the time to reply though. Much appreciated.

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Didn't Boldocks take over the fish shop at Hillsborough Corner, top of Bradfield Road at one time?


Does anyone remember Rixons who ran the herbalist and drinks shop opposite Atkinson's pie shop next to the old chinese laundry.


The Rixons also ran the Sunday School and Sunshine Corner in the Chapel at the end of Borough Road off Owlerton Green.


I.m wracking my brain here trying to remember the family name of the two brothers who owned the plumbers and butchers next door opposite the Hillsborough Cinema.


I went to school with the plumber's son, he was tragically killed in a Go Kart racing accident.


Happy Days! PopT

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been down hillsboro today,what a disgrace,its like a slum area now not a patch on its former glory,I worked in hillsboro for 50yrs and Im ashamed of how it has gone down the pan,no quality shops at all just much of the same.It used to be nice and clean but its just scruffy now,im sorry if this statement upsets anyone but thats how I see it now,ive seen the best years and now its sad to see it like this.

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No I can't remember that but I remember the chip shop on Rudyard Road !


Randy's chip shop, the best chip shop in Sheffield, I was told that he only used the best Faroe cod, best potato's and best pork dripping, it may have been best beef dripping after all these years I'm not certain. He didn't open during the day and Wednesday nights, that is when we had to use other local chippies, Taplin Road, Bradfield Road, Holme Lane and Langsett Road, all very good but Randy's was the best.

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Randy's chip shop, the best chip shop in Sheffield, I was told that he only used the best Faroe cod, best potato's and best pork dripping, it may have been best beef dripping after all these years I'm not certain. He didn't open during the day and Wednesday nights, that is when we had to use other local chippies, Taplin Road, Bradfield Road, Holme Lane and Langsett Road, all very good but Randy's was the best.


Don't forget the ones at the bottom of Dykes Hall Road and halfway up.

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