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Trying to start new sport & social group/club - interested?


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Muz--might it be worth setting up a facebook group for this club? Would expose it to a larger number of people very easily, which you mentioned you were keen to do. Just a thought!


Also, http://www.shef.ac.uk/usport/what/badminton ....alternative venue? Poss cheaper?




Hi Lizzie, glad you got home safely! Yeah, baggers was good and thanks for coming! Thanks for that addy, I'll have a look at it in more detail!


I've got a few idea's and discussed things like facebook, which will be a good move and a web site which I'm working at the mo! A few people have mailed me with their suggestions mainly around focusing more social events such as going out for meals and such...very soon! But so far so good!


Anyway, c u on wed and anyone else who's interested in coming along?:)

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Thanks for the game too was pretty impressed that i could still hit the shuttle over the net after all the time since i last played.


It was good to get some exercise after sitting down all day at work in front of a computer.


I think it would worth putting an advert on GumTree as thats where i saw Mus's advert originally. It's definately worth putting an advert up in the Central Library too.


The Goodwin Sports Centres still pretty Central so it would be worth trying and you save a little if you book online.

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Went to the Goodwin centre last night for squash and it's good. Not as convenient for me (actually it probably is just I got lost finding it so it didnt feel like it was--finding a place for the first time in the dark, in the drizzle, on the bike? not so easy!) but lovely facilities.


See you at the cinema tonight. Am glad it's a sitting down thing. I ache like a ******* from the badminton and squash! Did it make your arse hurt?

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Oh sorry, didn't know I wasn't allowed to use the word that also means a child without a father! (Hey what if I wanted to use it as a technical term? Like Dom Juan in Much Ado About Nothing is one, I remember using the word in essays and all....)

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Or even Tuesday....

Just that my squash partner can normally only do Weds or Thurs and Weds is cinema night so that leaves Thurs. Although I'll miss a few cinema sessions if he could only do Weds some weeks. So Monday or Tuesday would be great....

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