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Club Shush To Re-open Oct 26th.


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Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees It went very well and the council has passed it and so has the police and the fire and the event went very very well indeed. remember we are now open every saturday with different Genres and quality sounds


Really i heard there was a load of trouble at the Crasher afterparty!!

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We at Shush had a few teething problems at the start of the night with a leaking pipe we had a knob in from Burngreave with C O 2 or pepper spray on the stairs and we threw him out We had been set a real uphill task by the fire brigade to build an fire exit by friday 7 oclock hence some of the finishing works we had to leave until this week and the loos were one of the areas that suffered . enough to say we have had 4 builders on site this week finishing 2nd room and loos love imagematters

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Big Thanks to the Shush crew for making Saturday night happen, great to be back again, headcharge once again quality.


C & T lovin to see the dancing!


Keep up the good work :)



(although get some new security they are ALL bar a couple a set of aggy ******s, especially that big bald fat guy who I saw was told to calm down on more than one occasion by another bouncer.


Cheers :)

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The promoters of Dubcentral, Headcharge and Dark Crystal are very sorry for the long queues on Saturday night at the Club Shhhh. The main problem was that an unexpected restriction on numbers in the club connected with health and safety was imposed by the Licensing Authorities. This meant that the venue had to control how many people were in each room at any one time We withdrew tickets from the shops when the restriction was confirmed and put out the message that we were sold out. This problem will be sorted as soon as possible.


For the majoriity who stayed it turned out to be a great night, but if you left because you couldn't get in we would like to offer you compensation. Bear with us for a day or so while we work it out and watch this space. And once again sorry.

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