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Lowedges- in the 50s, 60s and 70s

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Anybody on here lived on the Lowedges in the 50s and 60s. I lived on Atlantic road and went to Lowedges primary school. Does anyone remember the launderette opening and getting free tokens for washing!

Would be interested to talk with old friends from that time:)

I lived on Atlantic Road, back of the terminus shops from 54 - 76. I remember the launderette opening and also it been burned down.

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Hey I lived Atlantic Road too, behind the maisonettes. Bet you hung out on the swings sierraman.

Did any of you go collecting wood for bonfire night off the area at the top of the estate that later became the main road through from Meadowhead (behind the church)

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Hey I lived Atlantic Road too, behind the maisonettes. Bet you hung out on the swings sierraman.

Did any of you go collecting wood for bonfire night off the area at the top of the estate that later became the main road through from Meadowhead (behind the church)

Sure did estweyn, lived in the L-shaped block just opposite the swings where the swings and roundabout were! Can't remember collecting wood though. I went to the Youth Club at St Peters and later the new Youth Centre down by the park. PM me!

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I was born in 1955 and we lived near the fire station on Lowedges Road. I went to Lowedges (Bradway County) school from the infants to 4th juniors. I was in Mrs Meggitts class in 1b but she went on mat leave and Mr Read (old pop mental) took over for the rest of the year. In yr 2 I was with Miss White, Yr 3 Mr Brown and 4b Miss Bedford. I was also in the recorder group that Miss White ran.

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I was born in 1955 and we lived near the fire station on Lowedges Road. I went to Lowedges (Bradway County) school from the infants to 4th juniors. I was in Mrs Meggitts class in 1b but she went on mat leave and Mr Read (old pop mental) took over for the rest of the year. In yr 2 I was with Miss White, Yr 3 Mr Brown and 4b Miss Bedford. I was also in the recorder group that Miss White ran.

Crikey, there's a name from the past ... pop mental ... I'd forgotten all about him! Do you remember Miss Vick, headmistress of the infants who used to smell of fags? I remember Mr Strutt the park keeper who used to lock the swings! Woodbine Annie who used to jog around the area with a fag in her mouth. Do any of you remember Basher, the nutcase who wanted to fight everyone?

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Anybody on here lived on the Low-edges in the 50s and 60s. I lived on Atlantic road and went to Low-edges primary school. Does anyone remember the launderette opening and getting free tokens for washing!

Would be interested to talk with old friends from that time:)


I can remember people being re-housed from around Little London Place and going to live on the Low Edges around 1964? or 1969.


At that time they thought that the estate was a wonderful place to live and I would think it would have been hard to obtain a tenancy at that time.


I believe a great mistake was eventually made by stopping the collection of rents at the tenants doorways because this contact with the housing officer enabled the conveyance of problems direct to the local housing manager via the rent officer.


These days, The problems are filtered through someone who works in a area office. Often they are not concerned or particularly interested in matters that does not concern themselves.


I have complained about a wrong co loured tile that is fixed as a replacement, to the roof of lock up garages close to where I live. Nothing is done or will be done, because those receiving the complaint do not live near bye.


This is also one reason, why shortly, most people who work for Sheffield Homes Ltd. Will be made redundant when their jobs are transfered to someone who is concerned.

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