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Former RAF Aerodrome Norton Woodseats

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I came across a substantial amount of information regarding RAF Norton quite by accident at the National Archives at Kew the other day.

It has some absolute horror stories about the state of mainly aircrew and ground tradesmen there, who had suffered badly in service, from the sounds of it both mentally and physically.

Badly infested with lice,with severe infections to gums,teeth, ears and just about everything else.From what i could read from the descriptions these were men that had not coped well under wartime operational conditions, which if you read about life on fighter/ bomber bases was (often) nothing like the hollywood portrayals.

Extremely high instances of sick quarter leave and serious disciplinary issues are noted in daily logs by the CO, and i can only imagine it must have been a very depressing place,a haven from other hells,....... or a wierd mix of both ?



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There's a book in the City Libraries called 'From Bailey to Bailey, a short history of military buildings in Sheffield' by Stephen Johnson, which includes a history of both RAF Norton and the Coal Aston Aerodrome, which dated from the First World War. I'm sure it will tell you everything you want to know.

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RAF Norton was indeed a radar repair unit until it closed. My cousin was stationed there for two years and whilst working in Saudi, I met two ex RAFInstrument engineeres who were stationed there also.

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My dad was posted there, and i was born in the RAF houses on Bowman Drive.

My birth certificate says that it was in the parish of Eckington, DERBYSHIRE!!!

That was 1958, dont know when it became part of Sheffield, YORKSHIRE

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My dad was posted there, and i was born in the RAF houses on Bowman Drive.

My birth certificate says that it was in the parish of Eckington, DERBYSHIRE!!!

That was 1958, dont know when it became part of Sheffield, YORKSHIRE


my ex husband's 1966 Birth Certificate states XXXX Road, Gleadless Townend, Sheffield, DERBYSHIRE, too. he was born only a few hundred yards from there.


I believe it was about 1967/8/ the derbyshire part of sheffield was incorporated within the city boundaries.


Another friend of mine was born in Hackenthorpe, in about '62, and his Birth Certificate says Hackenthorpe, Derbyshire, too!


(BTW, parish boundaries are different to civil boundaries)

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Hackenthorpe was in Derbyshire as I had to attend a derbyshire school, Ridgeway Junior school when we moved out there in the 50's.

One spot where the county borders met was down the bottom of Intake where a stream ran under the main road. There was a sign there so you could have one foot in each County! Anyone remember ?

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Hackenthorpe was in Derbyshire as I had to attend a derbyshire school, Ridgeway Junior school when we moved out there in the 50's.

One spot where the county borders met was down the bottom of Intake where a stream ran under the main road. There was a sign there so you could have one foot in each County! Anyone remember ?


yes....near the old 95 bus terminus.

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I remeber playing and bird nesting in the old hangers that ran along Chesterfield road before both the schools were built was built and that was in the mid 50s. They took the hangers down a few years after they built Jordanthorpe school and widened the road. I also remember doing illegel driver training along the old runways a bit further up before the other school was built. I can remember a fire station being there but not where sorry.

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