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The tunnel connecting Bridgehouses in Sheffield with the MR's Wicker Goods Stati


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We was in there last few days, and know not much about this place, and it forms a part of us looking into Sheffield Victoria & the Woodhead Route, now we are asking if there is any more online info or just people who know more?


Please note, we know what we are doing when we enter tunnels of this kind, and we have powerful lights, two way radios and a load of of other stuff, therefor we do not advise people enter such places alone and without the right gear, we take our safety and that of other rather serious and see pretentiousartistdotcom for more on the legal aspects of this and safety info..


If there is stuff you feel you need to know or desire to tell not an open board then pm me and we will talk there.


Now i know there has been talk on here about tunnels in Sheffield, some are just myths and others are there, we have been in them and down them and can confirm there are there..

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I think you are refering to the old fiery Jack tunnel which is no longer there.It connected Bridgehouses goods yard with the Wicker goods yard under Spital hill.


we know that much, we have been in her and towards the end it was blocked, and doing a walk around we worked out why, but what we need are images and people who rember anything about it..

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Here's a photo looking up the tunnel from the Wicker Goods Station




I believe all the engine crews hated that tunnel. I had an old pal who fired and drove for LMS during and after the war and he did that tunnel a few times. It was a steep incline from a standing start and there was so much wheel-slip he could empty the sandbox by the time he got through it. He said you could choke to death from the smoke in there :)

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Here's a photo looking up the tunnel from the Wicker Goods Station




I believe all the engine crews hated that tunnel. I had an old pal who fired and drove for LMS during and after the war and he did that tunnel a few times. It was a steep incline from a standing start and there was so much wheel-slip he could empty the sandbox by the time he got through it. He said you could choke to death from the smoke in there :)


The incline would be about right looking at the lay of the land as it stands now, and thanks for the links and info people.. That page is bookmarked, a day out at Sheffield archives i guess..

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When I was a fireman at Grimesthorpe about 1954, I used to walk thro' the tunnel from Pitsmoor. This was when I was on early turns. All the trackwork had gone then so it was straight forward walking. I'd have a pocket torch, but after seeing the rats running around I found it more conducive to my peace of mind to walk in the dark.

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Ah ... now that can't be the same tunnel. the entrance looks different from the much bigger one you can see bricked up at the bottom end. Plus , you can see through the tunnel in the picture. the Fiery Jack tunnel is on a steep hill and a bend.

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