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Problems with the buses - 47/48/75/76

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It must be one hell of a job timetabling buses which freqeuntly get stuck in traffic because you never know how long the bus is going to be in the jam for.


Some days the bus could be very early, other days on time and other days very late. I'm glad I don't timetable them!

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What about buses that fail to turn up? If I were to put a complaint in everything I'd be to busy to do anything else.


Thats why operators get away with not running services as they dont complain to the pte or ministry , so as no one complains it is never investigating it

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Thats why operators get away with not running services as they dont complain to the pte or ministry , so as no one complains it is never investigating it


can i complain to get the buses off worltey road in high green ,all thery do is cause tail backs and clog up the road. that road is not wide enough for buses,it should be cars only

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As the relevant authoritiies ie operator, council, pte, police will have checked the road it is suitable for buses , usually when they cause tail backs and clog up the road it is due to indicriminate and unconsiderate parking by cars usually because people insist on parking outside there own front door whether they are causing an obstruction or not

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I am sorry but for the last 3 years i add promblems with 48. It one of worse routes in sheffield. I suppose at least they got a genuine reason now. I love to know what there reason been for last 3 years.


So therefore you keep filling PTE complaint forms in untill something is done if it isnt you send all the corespondnace you have to the commisioner

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So therefore you keep filling PTE complaint forms in untill something is done if it isnt you send all the corespondnace you have to the commisioner


Most people I would think have neither the time nor the inclination to 'keep filling PTE complaint forms in'. They simply want a bus service that runs to time, surely not too much to ask?:huh:

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