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August Photography Competition: Vote Here


Which do you think is the best photograph depicting 'Happiness'?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you think is the best photograph depicting 'Happiness'?

    • All the fun of the fair
    • IMG_1490 (Simple Pleasures)
    • One boy and his dog
    • P1010210z (Emily happy)
    • Bliss
    • Happy at work
    • Bone
    • leah
    • Happy child getting wet
    • IMG_0125
    • Happy days
    • Laughing with happiness
    • OR3U8732 (Happy horse)
    • Happy (Happy couple)
    • Emma
    • Happy Jack
    • Happy puppy

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Constructive comments are always appreciated by anyone who wants to improve their work, so I think that is all of us. But at the end of the day it is only someones personal opinion.


It think is is an error of judgment to post like this prior to the winner been announced as it could sway or influence other members votes.

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ImpInaBox - dont you think the 'constructive criticism' would have been best left until after the votes are counted so as not to influence the result?

Yes "I could not agree more" astridproll, to me The Imp has stepped out of turn by adding comments to submitted photos at this moment of this time and like you state, It should have been left until after the voting.

I just hope that some dog 'pees on Imps tripod' or even his kit bag.:D

The 'constructive criticism' was put over very well though 'Imp'

taught me a thing or two.

So In a roundabout way,

Thanks Imp.


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Well being quite new to the forum and the 1st time I have ever entered a photo in it, I had no idea that it would have such negitive comments wrote about it. If I had known that at the start then I don't think I would have gone ahead and posted one. I was under the illusion that it was for fun and that anyone could enter, didn't realise you had to be a pro.

Still you live and learn. :(

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ImpInaBox - dont you think the 'constructive criticism' would have been best left until after the votes are counted so as not to influence the result?


The whole point of the post IS to influence the result. If this is be a photography competition rather than a snap shot lottery then we should be looking critically at each entry and assessing its merits as a photograph - technical quality, composition, use of light etc. - and not just thinking 'ahh what a cute dog/cat/kid'.


Constructive comments are always appreciated by anyone who wants to improve their work, so I think that is all of us. But at the end of the day it is only someones personal opinion.


Well no, it's not just someone's opinion. It's a whole body of opinion that goes way back to the classical artists. The most commonly used lighting technique for portraits isn't called 'Rembrandt Lighting' for nothing. The difference between the glare of head on flash and the subtle facial modelling of good lighting is completely objective, not subjective. I agree tho that personal opinion creeps in at the edges and I tried very hard to keep that out of my coments.


I had no idea that it would have such negitive comments wrote about it. If I had known that at the start then I don't think I would have gone ahead and posted one. I was under the illusion that it was for fun and that anyone could enter, didn't realise you had to be a pro.


I'm sorry if I've put you off entering these competitions, that was not my intent by any means and you certainly don't have to be a pro to enter. Where I criticized an entry I tried to point out specific problems that could be addressed and in many cases offered suggestions for improvement. If we all just said, "Wow isn't that nice", no-one would learn anything. And if we're not here twittering about photography to learn something then what ARE we here for?

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I thought Imp's comments were spot-on, particularly in the case of my own modest entry. I would never take offence at well-meant criticism and it is always useful to have someone else's 'eye-view'.


For me, (before and after I read Imp's review) there was only one entry that would have won on a combined photography/subject combination and that has now been disqualified. Oh well.....

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The whole point of the post IS to influence the result. If this is be a photography competition rather than a snap shot lottery then we should be looking critically at each entry and assessing its merits as a photograph - technical quality, composition, use of light etc. - and not just thinking 'ahh what a cute dog/cat/kid'.




Well no, it's not just someone's opinion. It's a whole body of opinion that goes way back to the classical artists. The most commonly used lighting technique for portraits isn't called 'Rembrandt Lighting' for nothing. The difference between the glare of head on flash and the subtle facial modelling of good lighting is completely objective, not subjective. I agree tho that personal opinion creeps in at the edges and I tried very hard to keep that out of my coments.




I'm sorry if I've put you off entering these competitions, that was not my intent by any means and you certainly don't have to be a pro to enter. Where I criticized an entry I tried to point out specific problems that could be addressed and in many cases offered suggestions for improvement. If we all just said, "Wow isn't that nice", no-one would learn anything. And if we're not here twittering about photography to learn something then what ARE we here for?


Excuse me but I thought the whole point of the competition were for people to make up their own minds and have their own opinions on what they consider is a good photo, not to have it thrust upon them by some little David Bailey wanaby even before they have the chance to vote, Infact one of the persons photos which you were so critical about is in the lead. Are you suggesting that they should have dyed the colour of the cat so it didn't clash with the colour of the background? .. I mean, the nerve of us all, who dare to post a 'snapshot' in photo competition! tutt tutt, shame on us, We should all be lined up and shot! :confused:

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Happy puppy

Happy? Debatable - he looks miserable to me. Blurred? Definitely, tho the rocks in the background are pin-sharp. A great attempt to get down there with the pup - on his level and the sort of shot that makes everyone go 'Ahhh' - but ruined by being out of focus. Maybe the pup was just too close to focus on - try again - it'll be worth it when you get it right!


Obviouisly it's hard to tell what has been used in these photos. This was taken about 7 years ago when we first got our pup. It was taken on an old disposable camera that was found inthe shed, I wasn't even expecting for any pictures to come out of it. To my surprise some did and although as you pointed out blurred, I expected nothing less because of what I used.


To me, this is more of a sentimental picture. It defines happiness in two ways for me. The first is that despite it looking to yourself like she was miserable, it has been a glorious afternoon in the front garden with the new pup pouncing about merrily in her new home. Secondly, anytime I look at this picture, it makes me happy, sounds simple and to be honest it is.


I suppose it's difficult to get that across in a photo competition, your comments are spot on and I could use the pointers for future pics, but I don't think they really apply to this snap in particular.


Still, someone obviously went 'Awwww' it has a vote, and it wasn't me :D Only the second time a pic I have submitted has a received a vote. Saying that, it's only the third go at submitting a picture :)

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