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August Photography Competition: Vote Here


Which do you think is the best photograph depicting 'Happiness'?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you think is the best photograph depicting 'Happiness'?

    • All the fun of the fair
    • IMG_1490 (Simple Pleasures)
    • One boy and his dog
    • P1010210z (Emily happy)
    • Bliss
    • Happy at work
    • Bone
    • leah
    • Happy child getting wet
    • IMG_0125
    • Happy days
    • Laughing with happiness
    • OR3U8732 (Happy horse)
    • Happy (Happy couple)
    • Emma
    • Happy Jack
    • Happy puppy

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Having said that I do agree with what Imp says about the criteria for judging shots. If you base your wining shot on "aww I like purple trees" instead of "that shot's out of focus and wonky" then the competition is less of a learning experience for making a good photo and more of a pot luck quiz on getting the popular subject matter.


That's fine, but it should be made clear at the outset of the competition. Surely after the competition has ended all voters could explain why they liked the shots they voted for. Obviously comments could added regarding the technical aspects etc. There's exactly the same learning experience, after all the shot can't be taken again and submitted, so why not just wait?


I get the impression that Impinabox just couldn't wait to get stuck in.


As I mentioned before all this exercise has done is alienate some members and in my opinion reinforced the idea that the group is a clique.

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Didn't realise it was your birthday me & pippo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:banana::clap::partyhat:

Perhaps I should vote for yours as a birthday treat:hihi::hihi:

(stands back to miss the crossfire.....:D)

"Thank You" Hemlock, 'Now how would you know which one was mine' :D


Don't suppose 'hockeybear' would have a Tripod to spare, by any chance . ?

m&p :)

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I entered a photo for the first time this month, I was one of the first so hadn't seen what everyone else was submitting. Although I don't fully agree with Imps comments on my photo as he doesn't know the character of the subject, I can see that it was not technically the best of the bunch and as I am not an expert by any means on photography I still don't regret entering and will do so again just because I like the competition and it will be a challenge to try and win.

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If people cant take criticism ,then dont enter the competition. I for one appreciate all the advice given good or bad that way you can learn by your mistakes.


I don't think anyone has a problem with criticism, it's the timing of it that needs some thought.


I agree with what SnailyBoy said - the rules on whether you should comment before voting ends, etc.. should be made obvious when the poll goes up, then you avoid any debate distracting from the photos. Which are the main point, really.



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If people cant take criticism ,then dont enter the competition. I for one appreciate all the advice given good or bad that way you can learn by your mistakes.


Fair enough but then make it clear before people enter that their pics will be pulled apart in public. I can see that having this done would put some people off, and especially before the comp ends. I think all comments on the pics should be made after the closing date for voting really.

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The whole point of the post IS to influence the result. If this is be a photography competition rather than a snap shot lottery then we should be looking critically at each entry and assessing its merits as a photograph - technical quality, composition, use of light etc. - and not just thinking 'ahh what a cute dog/cat/kid'.


So if you are trying to influence the result what is the point of a vote ?Just have 1 judge.

There is no prize so let people vote for the aah factor if they want.

I think you have single handedly destroyed the whole point of the competition,which I thought was for fun.

This to me smacks of elitism.The folks with the expensive gear with all bells and whistles should be getting the best pics but many people have point and shoot cameras and are perfectly happy with their results but may now feel excluded.I also agree with the comments re the timing of the criticism.

Rant over.

PS I have neither submitted or voted.

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The folks with the expensive gear with all bells and whistles should be getting the best pics but many people have point and shoot cameras and are perfectly happy with their results but may now feel excluded.
It's the person taking the photograph that is important, not the camera. Buying a fancier camera does not make you a better photographer.

Some of the most popular images in my A3 portfolio were done on a 2.1MP point+ shoot camera.


And though I feel Imp's timing was off, he wasn't commenting on what camera people used, as how could he tell anyway. Plus it is a photo comp, so just because someone thinks their shot is lovely because it reminds them of happy times doesn't necessarily mean we'll think 'happy' when we look at it, as a personal shot is simply not relevant to anyone else.

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