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Contextual advertising - clever.

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If you've read the announcement (see announcements forum) then you will see I'm currently playing around with different ideas. The latest one I'm trying is the Google system. It's a very clever system which matches the unobtrusive ads with the words on a page. Obviously it's not perfect, but it's currently "learning" the site.


You can see a good example of how it works here:



This thread includes Derbyshire and so does the text links in the Google box. Anyway, just thought you geeks (like me!) might find Google's latest offering very clever. It works from just one line of Javascript :o. It appears to work best on pages that have already been spidered by Google.


Post any clever/stupid ad matches here ;)

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The chairty ads don't pay the webmaster anything - Google use these when they haven't spidered the page or don't have any relevent ads, to save showing a blank page.


It's a shame they don't seem to be for British charities though.

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