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Iceland facing US sanctions

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Originally posted by Jon

8) so you don't care about the whales just if i'm Anti American or not


A report I saw suggested that it was just a one off for research purposes. As for any blind hatred for Bush/America, it's wasted. I am more concerned with what Blair is doing here to worry about Bush.

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The 'research' here involves killing up to 30 whales from different species to inspect the contents of their stomachs. The excuse is that they want to see what effect whales have on the fish stocks. Oh, and then to cover their costs they'll sell the whale meat. Bear in mind that you can't just kill a whale with a single shot and it can take up to 4 hours to die it's seems a tad barbaric for the 21st century.


Hey Licky, I'm impressed. You've managed to bring out your true blue anti-labour feelings in an otherwise non-political thread. What single minded dedication you do have.

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Originally posted by maxt

The 'research' here involves killing up to 30 whales from different species to inspect the contents of their stomachs. The excuse is that they want to see what effect whales have on the fish stocks. Oh, and then to cover their costs they'll sell the whale meat. Bear in mind that you can't just kill a whale with a single shot and it can take up to 4 hours to die it's seems a tad barbaric for the 21st century.


Hey Licky, I'm impressed. You've managed to bring out your true blue anti-labour feelings in an otherwise non-political thread. What single minded dedication you do have.


lol, Maxt. You are as predictable as a wasp on speed. True Blue? Maxt, I have always been a labour supporter. Lost faith in Nulabour, they've conned me and many others with their spin. These days I am becoming more apolitical. It so happens that New Labour are in power, but no matter who it was they would still get analysed just the same. My campaign against Blair and his rabble will NEVER end.


Never try to deflect me, it won't work.


I can see the frailties even if you can't


If you need to take the **** because I hate your hero....go ahead. Make yourself look stupid. If you like Blair, say so, don't abuse me because I don't. You are entitled to your opinion, leave me to mine.

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Originally posted by maxt

You just can't take a hint can you? Stay on thread and leave your meanderings to more suitable arenas. fyi I'm no fan of TB and would be more than happy to see new labour re-positioned.


Maxt, I did stay on thread, I just picked up on Jon been Anti American in his first line and other than that I stated the facts I heard on a News broadcast, there wasn't any real need for you to 'butt in' were there? but you couldn't resist an attempted dig could you?

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