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MMR, autism and the media

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Why do people still buy newspapers? I just don't understand.


Sometimes you'll read a story that relates to something in your area of expertise, you see they get it all wrong, jump to conclusions & often get it backwards. Then you turn the page, read a story you know little about & believe every word.

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Err,this thread was started in 2008.


I know & 4 years on people are still buying newspapers & getting themselves worked up about the rubbish they write. Even when it's been proven to be absolute nonsense years ago & the same papers admitted it was all a load of rubbish to try to scare people into buying papers.

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I know & 4 years on people are still buying newspapers & getting themselves worked up about the rubbish they write. Even when it's been proven to be absolute nonsense years ago & the same papers admitted it was all a load of rubbish to try to scare people into buying papers.


Nothing about this has been proven either way.


Interview here with Andrew Wakefield last year worth a viewing-



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One of the difficulties about whether autism can be linked to the MMR jab, is that the symptoms of autism appear around the age the MMR jab is administered.


I have reservations about giving all three inoculations in one batch, I'd prefer them to be administered one at a time, with a gap between them, in order not to overload the child's immune system. I think the vaccines are a necessity, and that children should be protected from childhood diseases.


My own younger sister is Autistic, and was diagnosed as a toddler in the late 60s. Hers has a genetic factor to it, and has been passed to her son.


There were no MMR combined jabs when she was a tot, so any link with the vaccines can be eliminated. We caught measles, and mumps, and we were not vaccinated against Rubella until the age of 11/12.


I think the diagnoses of Autism, and Autistic Spectrum Disorder are more frequent these days not because there are necessarily more cases, or because they are caused by the MMR vaccines, but because doctors are better at recognising it, rather than just stamping the child's case file with the verdict "retarded".

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Very few things are ever totally proven. Fact is there is little to no evidence to support his theory & quite a lot of studies that have found no link whatsoever. Lots of other people have studied it since & nobody else has found anything to support any of Wakefield's claims about MMR. Most of his colleagues that worked on the paper have retracted their support of it since.




Measles, mumps & rubella can be very dangerous diseases. The scare stories in the media caused some parents to not vaccinate their children, which led to a rise in cases http://www.parliament.uk/Templates/BriefingPapers/Pages/BPPdfDownload.aspx?bp-id=SN02581 (pdf)

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