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Do you like Caviar?

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Caviar comes fro the virgin sturgeon.

The virgin sturgeon's a very fine fish.

The virgin sturgeon needs no urgin'

And that's why caviar's a very rare dish.


Proper caviar is indeed the roe of the virgin sturgeon, and costs an arm and a leg. Worth every penny, too. Roe from other fish makes a reasonable cheap substitute. Lumpish is cheapest (and nastiest) and comes in a black or a red variety. Salmon "caviar" is red and not bad at all.


If you're not going to eat the caviar on its own off a spoon, then the best way to serve it is with blinis and sour cream.

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Caviar comes fro the virgin sturgeon.

The virgin sturgeon's a very fine fish.

The virgin sturgeon needs no urgin'

And that's why caviar's a very rare dish.


Proper caviar is indeed the roe of the virgin sturgeon, and costs an arm and a leg. Worth every penny, too. Roe from other fish makes a reasonable cheap substitute. Lumpish is cheapest (and nastiest) and comes in a black or a red variety. Salmon "caviar" is red and not bad at all.


If you're not going to eat the caviar on its own off a spoon, then the best way to serve it is with blinis and sour cream.


It's nice to see someone showing a bit of class on here.I bet you know which fork to use at a posh do.

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I LOVE caviar. It's salty and fishy, like an unexpected swallow of lake water, and I love it when the little bubbles pop against the roof of my mouth. I love it so much that I own a French-made caviar spoon crafted of horn so it doesn't react with the roe.


But I'm not a snob... I eat it when I'm alone.:D

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My bold.


You mean you've had it since even though you thought it was disgusting??


You're braver than me




Well not by choice, but when it is served at a dinner, I just shove it round the plate, and pretend now, if it is on a starter as a decoration, scrape it off etc. Would never order it God forbid, but with a couple of Russian friends it's impossible to avoid a lot of them time

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I guess with a lot of things taste is in mouth of the taster, just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


However it's easy to say you don't like something If you've only tried one variety of something.


As earlier mentioned,if I tasted the OP's John West Lumpfish caviar, and disliked it, that isn't going to mean that I won't try or like the real stuff.


I suppose it's like drinking a bottle of cheap poor quality whiskey, and drinking a decent quality bottle.

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