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Yorkshire Puddings!


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Love the poem.

Getting back to yorkshire puds. . .mine too are like frizbee's.

Thank God for frozen one's though wish they tasted like the "real thing".

Wonder if anyone else cheats like me, if so, where's the nicest frozen ones please.


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Love the poem.


An utter failure, I gave up on trying to make Yorkshires years ago and bought Aunt Bessies instead.


But, I'm having a new kitchen and ovn installed next week and you've now put me in the frame of mind that I'd really like to try again.


So, come on please... I need detailed instructions... for Yorkshire Puddings that 'av t be scraped of'top er ovn,' using an electric fan oven.



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electric ovens don't seem to get hot enough to make the puds rise, Damkina...


even when turned right up to the top. :(


One of the secrets of Yorkie Puds is to make sure the fat in the tin is smoking hot before you put the batter in.


another is not to keep opening the oven door (In fact if you can leave the door shut all the way through to the end, then all the better) opening the oven door during cooking lets cooler air in, and usually sends the Pud flat.

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I know I'm opening a can of worms here, as everyone has their own method of making yorkies, but here's mine:


Mix the dry ingridients together first (plain flour, salt & pepper);

Add the whole egg and a splash of milk;

Add a small amount of cold water;

Mix until the batter is smoothe;

Slowly add more cold water while whisking - until the batter is quite runny (that's the key to the rising bit later. The way to check that you have the right consistency is to lift the whisk/fork out of the batter and the drips should leave no trace on the surface after about 0.5 seconds)

Put the freshly whisked batter into sizzling hot yorkie tins and stick them in the oven at about 220c/gas mark 8 for about 20-30 mins.

Once in the oven do not open the door until they're done.


Now I wait for the naysayers.....

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Love the poem.

Getting back to yorkshire puds. . .mine too are like frizbee's.

Thank God for frozen one's though wish they tasted like the "real thing".

Wonder if anyone else cheats like me, if so, where's the nicest frozen ones please.


my yorkshires never fail,

1 x cup plain flour

1 x cup milk

1 x cup eggs these usually measure out to 3 eggs depending on size of eggs

salt and loads pepper

whisk flour eggs together then beat in the milk,

then leave 10 to 15 mins DO NOT WHISK OR STIR AGAIN

pour into really hot pudding tins middle or top of oven 190 - 200 degrees


i also slice a large onion gently fry with plenty of seasoning until caramalised add generous amounts to pudding tins put in oven till very hot then add above mixture:hihi::hihi:

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