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Hendersons Relish, and Worcestershire sauce.


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If he won't eat anything with relish you may like to mention the other uses of Henderson's. For example, did you know that if you sprinkle a few drops of relish in a condom before using it, a gentleman may find his performance in the bedroom not only lasts longer but is more intense?



Giving rise to the popular expression 'vinegar strokes', no doubt...


You could be onto something there however, as both Henderson's and Lea and Perrins' fine sauces (I sit on the fence, as I grew up in Worcester and now live in Sheffield, and so have both in my cupboard) go well with cheese.

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Giving rise to the popular expression 'vinegar strokes', no doubt...


You could be onto something there however, as both Henderson's and Lea and Perrins' fine sauces (I sit on the fence, as I grew up in Worcester and now live in Sheffield, and so have both in my cupboard) go well with cheese.


This is true, but which came first? Fella also dislikes Hendos as he feels they stole their bottle from Lea and Perrins..although im sure it was vice versa!

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We should set up a taste challenge like they used to do with Coke and Pepsi. Anyone who picks Worcestershire sauce is given a grand, anyone who picks Henderson's is sterilized then killed. To make it easier for these Northern idiots we could leave the labels on the bottles and even tell them which one they are tasting, that 'al teach em!



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Back in the 1960s people who claimed there was no difference between Hendersons Relish and Worcestershire sauce were driven out of Sheffield by angry mobs with pitchforks.


Almost right, it was actually wooden chip forks.

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Why would he need reminding that the Lancastrians won?
They never took over goldthorpe and thurnscoe though !!! shot myself in the foot there didnt i :hihi::hihi:



Facts are not important if its funny :thumbsup: why even jesus wept tears of hendos when he was on the cross !!! he he...

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I dont know what all the fuss is about about hendo's you lot must have got no taste buds ITS CRAP N FLAVOURLESS :hihi: **Worcestershire sauce** is far more tastey. Hubby is from sheffield and he loves it so i have both in my cuboard. If i run out of Worcestershire sauce id sooner put vinegar on my food than relish :D

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Mod Note


Calm down people or some enforced holidays will be issued. We all know Henderson's is rubbish tasteless crap but these idiots are entitled to their opinions however ridiculous so try and tolerate them, they will all die soon anyway when that Haydon Reactor thing is turned on and the entire universe disappears.. Just ask Starsparkle, she knows all about it..




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I dont know what all the fuss is about about hendo's you lot must have got no taste buds ITS CRAP N FLAVOURLESS :hihi: **Worcestershire sauce** is far more tastey. Hubby is from sheffield and he loves it so i have both in my cuboard. If i run out of Worcestershire sauce id sooner put vinegar on my food than relish :D


Ah, it's the fine distinctions. The term required here is Worcester sauce. Worcestershire sauce is a generic term and could apply to any old spicy relish in the style. The Worcester sauce of distinction and fame is Lea and Perrins, a grand company with a grand factory up on the west side of the city centre. It emits a spicy aroma that pervades the local area. Said part of town is very heavily populated by people of asian sub-continental origin drawn, tis said only partly in jest, by the heady musk of molasses, vinegar, spices which announce L&P's fabled 'secret recipe'. Ah, the mystique of relish...

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