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Myers Grove School Film 1970/1


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If you were at Myers Grove School in 1970, check out this link http://www.bbc.co.uk/southyorkshire/..._feature.shtml

and see if you recognise yourself in any of the pictures from the Myers Grove film.

Register your interest in the event by replying to this thread or calling the Action Desk on:01142675444.


I said that without moving my lips!


Don't you read other people posts - Region on Film?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The confirmed screening time of the short film is 6p.m. The screening should last about 45 minutes (including introductions). There are about 50 tickets remaining, so if you would like to attend please reply giving details of your mailing address and how many tickets you require so we can mail them out in time for the event.


If you prefer you can leave your details with the Action Desk at BBC Radio Sheffield (01142675444), who will pass your details on to the project officer, so he can then send out the required number of tickets.

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There was some footage from the film on Thursday's Look North. It showed a game (The Grove) played in deep snow by four teams and scholars walking down corridors and at work in technology rooms. Teacher Sue Hollister was shown, comparing then with now.

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  • 2 months later...

The Yorkshire Film Archive is putting the film free online next year as part of a general project to put 50 hours of archive film online. In the meantime, anyone is free to view the film at the YFA in York. We would also be very grateful for any information or reminiscences from that time. Here is a brief synopsis of the film:

The film starts with exterior shots of the school, and the commentary explains where it is located. There are 1,800 pupils, and some of them can be seen arriving in the morning.


The band can be seen practicing before the film shows the chemistry laboratory where the pupils are using apparatus and Bunsen burners. Also documented are an art class and then the library. A bell rings, and girls walk down the corridor, self consciously aware of the camera. They go into the dining hall where they eat lunch.


In the sixth form common room the pupils study on their own. There are shots of them working in booths. In the language laboratory, the teacher operates a console while the pupils listen through headphones. In the commerce department girls are learning to type. In the woodwork and metalwork rooms, boys are at work. Girls make pastry and cakes, etc, in the cookery class.


Outside, the girls put on a fashion show of clothes they have designed and made themselves. Exterior shots with snow on the ground introduces |The Grove Game|, played each year on Shrove Tuesday between four teams of boys on the rugby ground. This turns out to be a chaotic rugby game with 25 per team. There are matches between staff and pupils, rugby for the men and hockey for the women.


At the summer fair, the narrator lists the many activities going on including penny rolling, golf, crockery smashing and swing boats. The event attracts 8,000 people and raises £700, which is to spent on equipment for the school.


In May 1970, there is a dinner to celebrate 10 years since the school opened. The guests can be seen arriving, and one of them looks like Roy Hattersley.

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  • 1 year later...

The film can be found on the yfaonline website...I cannot include a link because I have only just joined the forum.


I would appreciate any thoughts, feelings and memories that you have about Myers Grove and the film in particular. We are attempting to gather as much information together as possible before the school closes for good next year.

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The film can be found on the yfaonline website...I cannot include a link because I have only just joined the forum.


I would appreciate any thoughts, feelings and memories that you have about Myers Grove and the film in particular. We are attempting to gather as much information together as possible before the school closes for good next year.


It would be nice if we could eventually have a link chris wouldnt it ?:)

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