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Pubs charging when bands on


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Anyone been to that place back of West Street, Tripetts?


Used to go a while back but moved away. Now i'm back, went in and they are charging now when the bands are on, but I don't think the bands are as good as they used to be. What do you think?

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When I put gigs on at either the Cricketers, The Earl or the Grapes I charge £3. Things have to be paid for. I have spent the best part of 3 grand on my PA system over the last year. The Sound engineer needs to get paid, hopefully the bands will get paid as well.

I charge between 60 and a hundred quid for a gig for PA hire and the sound engineering after that the bands keep the rest of the money.

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I'm with carcrash on this one. I don't think Joe Public appreciates how much gigging equipment costs. I too play the odd live gig and whilst my PA didn't quite cost as much as carcrash's did, it - along with the cost of my guitars, leads, amp, microphone and numerous sundry items - does add up to quite a bit.


Also, £3 sounds a fair deal to me. Be fair to musicians! Whilst an audience can come and go as they wish, the musician's day might have started mid-afternoon (loading up, getting to the venue and setting up) and it could finish long after you've taken your bleary head to bed (setting down, loading up and getting home etc).


No musician should do this for a pittance (like I did in the early 1990s, getting paid £2 for one gig!!!!!!)

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Some places can do it for free and deserve all the credit they get for it but they make their money over the bar. I have to find a place with a full PEL and take my own lights and PA in and I dont get any of the bar takings. I provide everything except the instruments although I do keep a spare amp and guitar around just in case.

Somebody put up a thread a couple of days ago about a young band wanting to play a gig. Some venues are loath to do that because they know they won't make as much over the bar.

With the classic rock bar going it has left a big hole in the Sheffield gigging scene.

A few other places are springing up, I've been to a fair few gigs recently that bands have held in their practice rooms.

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3 pound is definately fair enough,its what me and my band charged at most bars/pubs we gigged at,the boardwalk and the grapes etc..


at the grapes though the bands have to charge really,with a 50 squid fee for using the place

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I think it's fair enough to charge if a band is on... as long as it's not silly prices. £2-£3 is ok, but I wouldn't be happy paying a fiver for example, especially if I was just out for a drink rather than going to see the band specifically.


Would you still have to pay if you turned up for the last hour? What about if the band has finished?

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