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Pubs charging when bands on


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Originally posted by carcrash

Whinging promotor time.

The cost of the PA and equiptment does add up. This year up to now I have spent £400 on a new 24 channel xlr input desk. £250 on a 16 channel multicore, £250 on some top end cabs as a couple got nicked by some theiving *****.

I spend £45 for 100 metres of cable from Bardwells and make my own cables as It saves me about 100 quid.

I should hopefully have 2 different PA's set up in the next couple of months so I can do stuff in 2 different venues at the same time



carcrash, you forgot to add 'but hey, that's rock n roll!':thumbsup:

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3quid is fine for a band I've never heard of and I'll gladly wander in to see almost anyone for that. But occasionally I've paid 5quid to see such a band in a pub back room and after finding out they weren't my cuppa tea after about 1 minute I felt it was too much and it put me off doing the same thing again. I suppose it's the banknote as opposed to loose change thing which can put off the casual punter.


By the way, why doesn't the Deep End have proper gigs on more often? Is it too dear for bands to play there? It's a great venue - potentially - but seems a bit rudderless and not really punching its weight on the local circuit

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Well, we played at the Classic Rock Bar, it was free entry, and a week last Thursday we played at the Cricketers, free again, and both times we went down a storm (well we would do, we're a fantastic classic rock band!).


But my point is this - there are good bands, who's members have other jobs, who will happily play for nowt (if the landlord want's to buy us a couple of beers that's great, and a bonus).


They do it because their livelihood doesn't depend on it and so they can do it purely for the fun (and in our case the ROCK!). There's plenty of 'em out there.


I recently saw Charlie Don't Surf at the Birley Hotel, and Stormbringer at the Silver Fox - all free entry - and bloody good rock bands. I know it depends on the landlord/promoter, and the kind of music you're into, but there are pubs putting bands on and not charging anything - it's just finding them I suppose.


Having said that, we're playing at the Malin for a £2 door charge - but that's the way they do things there (and we're worth it!).


Which reminds me... I must get down to The Earl - and I must arrange another night at The Crickers - that was a banger that was.

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i loved playing at the rock bar,free beer and what not,but we got barred for being 'to rowdy'......just because we kicked over some tables and caused mayhed,but a punk band at the rock bar,what could you expect!

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Originally posted by THCAyle

i loved playing at the rock bar,free beer and what not,but we got barred for being 'to rowdy'......just because we kicked over some tables and caused mayhed,but a punk band at the rock bar,what could you expect!


I don't recall barring anyone for kicking over tables. Which band were you in? Through the 4000 different performances we've had we've only told one band that they cannot play again due to the underage audience that they brought who grafittied the toilets and smashed their pop glasses everywhere.


We've never barred a band from playing because they were rowdy. That's the spirit of rock.


Kicking over tables? There shouldn't have been any on the stage - are you sure you are on about the Classic Rock Bar?


Buffy (landlady, Classic Rock Bar)

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definately the rock bar,but i dont think it was the usual room,we were on ground level with the crowd


band was called riot van,we were meant to play again the same week but all i heard was we couldnt cuz we were barred for being to rowdy,maybe just rumours,but oh well,sorry about the tables n glasses on them ;)

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