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Nostradamus - seer of things or overblown story teller?


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Wow, I'm delighted that so many people see this nonsense for what it is.


For anyone who does believe his bunkum it is worth remembering that Nostradamus enjoyed a long period of high status and profitable employment at the French Court through his fortune telling antics.


Snake oil salesmen always seem to find employment for some reason.

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Wow, I'm delighted that so many people see this nonsense for what it is.


For anyone who does believe his bunkum it is worth remembering that Nostradamus enjoyed a long period of high status and profitable employment at the French Court through his fortune telling antics.


I've read one opinion on his hollocks 'prophecies' that he was actually making very veiled satirical comments on the French king and his court, and not making prophecies at all.

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I've read one opinion on his hollocks 'prophecies' that he was actually making very veiled satirical comments on the French king and his court, and not making prophecies at all.


Could be. On the other hand, if you want me to "prove" that he was actually forecasting last night's football and boxing results, I can probably do that for fifty quid.

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because like with most "prophecies" of that type, they can be interpreted in any one of a hundred or a thousand different ways.


like when you go to a fortune teller, and you get so much generic and non-specific waffle... you "hear" the stuff they say that you "think" applies to you, and ignore the stuff you don't think of.


It's like horoscopes in the paper:- how the heck can they each apply to 1/13th of the population? Is everyone born between, say, the 21st of June and the 20th July going to meet a tall, dark, stranger with whom they are going to fall madly in love?


Gubbins, pure gubbins!


the horoscopes in the paper are only there for fun and only are right for a very few


for a more acurate reading then you need to know what time you were born and what day and what year to have a chart done. then its is very acurate, but very hard to do, tansits are easy to do but then you have to do a progressed chart which is harder but is more important with then transits setting off things that are going to happen in your life


say pluto now is going direct i think tomorrow its been going backwards and soon for the end of the year it moves into another sign out of sagitarius and into capricorn, so its going to effect a lot of capricorns [or capricorn ascendants] more than other people this next i dont know off hand but over 10 years.


they are the ones that are going to have more major changes than anyone else in there life and may have already started to feel the pull as it as been into capricorn recently then back into sagitarius


predictions things are not going to be as laid back anymore like it was when it went through sagittarius.


thats your lesson for today

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for a more acurate reading then you need to know what time you were born and what day and what year to have a chart done. then its is very acurate



Er, no. For starters, almost everything the astrologers use to build the chart in the first place is two thousand years out of date. Secondly, the "influence" of the planet Jupiter upon you at the time of your birth, is not even one millionth as large as the "influence" of the midwife. For a horoscope to even begin to be accurate, it would need to know and utilise the weight of every person in the room.

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the horoscopes in the paper are only there for fun and only are right for a very few


for a more acurate reading then you need to know what time you were born and what day and what year to have a chart done. then its is very acurate, but very hard to do, tansits are easy to do but then you have to do a progressed chart which is harder but is more important with then transits setting off things that are going to happen in your life


say pluto now is going direct i think tomorrow its been going backwards and soon for the end of the year it moves into another sign out of sagitarius and into capricorn, so its going to effect a lot of capricorns [or capricorn ascendants] more than other people this next i dont know off hand but over 10 years.


they are the ones that are going to have more major changes than anyone else in there life and may have already started to feel the pull as it as been into capricorn recently then back into sagitarius


predictions things are not going to be as laid back anymore like it was when it went through sagittarius.


thats your lesson for today

How does the movement of objects millions of miles away which aren't arranged in any way - they just appear to be from our vantage point - affect anybody on earth?
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How does the movement of objects millions of miles away which aren't arranged in any way - they just appear to be from our vantage point - affect anybody on earth?


It has a theoretical tidal influence, but as I pointed out just above you, that's outweighed millions of times over by the tidal influence of the midwife standing three feet away. Moreover, those bodies are not where the astrologers pretend them to be, and have not been for two millennia. This doesn't seem to bother them - after all, a system which has absolutely zero logical content to begin with, can't be further damaged by any increase in its errors.

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well i know its true i have personally done horoscopes for people and i have been right in things i have said to them


one person i found out he was lying that with other factors and his chart that his mother was infact his grandmother


also a woman asked me to do her chart this is going back early 1980s i didnt charge as i never did i did it for friends free, she had a chart done with a professional and he charged her £20 i think it was something like that and she told me i told her exactly the same as he did but i was more accurate than what he was, i even knew she was going to lose her mother but i didnt tell her, i thought it may just be a bad illness, that i just told her that there was going to be a difficult month. i would never tell anyone anything like that and its very difficult to predict and not accurate in predicting death


i did a friends chart and told her that she was going to be visiting the hospital and she did her son fell out of a tree and had to have pins in his leg.


i did a friends daughters chart once she had just left school and was wondering what to do. i told her that anytime now she was going to be involved with either foreign countries foreigners or she could be taking higher education, but she said that she didnt want to be taking higher education she wanted to work. i told her that everything pointed to foreigners or foreign places, i thought that she would meet a foreigner, in my eyes but i only did it all by transit as i didnt want to use progession its not easy and a lot of work. soon after she met a foreigner well he looks foreign not bristish clouring and married and had children with him


i stopped doing horoscopes as after my dad died and i didnt see it coming i got obsessed with death trying to find out how to predict it, but everything points to you cannot predict it right as there are many times that it can happen, so i put my books away and never brought them out till my hubby was ill and dying.


i looked at his charts and told myself that if he lived after a certain date he would live a good bit longer as things looked to improve, but he didnt live past the date and i was 2 days out in predicting his death.


and what happened in my chart when my dad died happened in my sons chart when his dad died


yes some years ago i had a chart done for myself and it was not very good but then it was at a time when nothing realy happened in my life anyway


i dont think i am that good but everyone i have done charts for have told me to take it up professionally but its really time consuming and i wont do it as i needed to be realy brilliant in my eyes to take money off people and look on it as a gift not a money making thing.


i have had enough proof to believe that it works for me anyway


yes i have looked at peoples charts and wondered why they are with a certain person as its not in their chart like my hubby was in my chart, which consisted of empty 7th house capricorn cusp ruler saturn in my fith house which saturn was in scorpio and he was a scorpio. 5th house is romance and also children we met still as children as we were 15 and 16 which you are still classed as children.


you are here for a reason and your life is mapped out for you you dont know what it is but you are given clues if you want to find out, you are given obsticles on the way which you can overcome if you want to, you are given gifts that comes easy for you and other gifts that you have to earn or find that you have

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the "influence" of the planet Jupiter upon you at the time of your birth, is not even one millionth as large as the "influence" of the midwife. For a horoscope to even begin to be accurate, it would need to know and utilise the weight of every person in the room.
You should set up a new school of Astrology. It will make a hell of a lot more sense than the current fantasy, and will be much better fun when they have to ask some grumpy old midwife how heavy she is . . . .
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