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Nostradamus - seer of things or overblown story teller?


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You should set up a new school of Astrology. It will make a hell of a lot more sense than the current fantasy, and will be much better fun when they have to ask some grumpy old midwife how heavy she is . . . .
You might as well predict the future by looking at sheffield forum
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You might as well predict the future by looking at sheffield forum


now, someone actually did this, in an anti-Muslim thread, and they were eerily accurate.


they said someone would say "XxXXX"


someone else would say "YYYYYY"


then yet another member would say "_____"


someone else would chip in with an unsavoury accusation,


and that it would then all descend into bickering and name-calling!

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Some-one, back in 1979, did actually predict that, electing a Labour government would all end in tears - and economic chaos.

That's how it always ends, regardless. It's usually why it ends.


As for Nostradamus, twaddle in my opinion.


However you may be interested to know that a rainbow will be visible from much of Sheffield next Friday afternoon, between three and four pm.

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i have had enough proof to believe that it works for me anyway



You've had no proof whatsoever, if those stories are the best you can come up with; but then, complete absence of proof never does stop astrologers from believing in themselves, so I can't say I'm surprised.


Maybe you should go and look up what proof actually is, and what qualifies as proof, before talking rubbish.

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