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Nostradamus - seer of things or overblown story teller?


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Seems to me, Summer, that you are not supposed to believe in something others do not want to believe in or you will get slated for it. Just because certain members in this thread are quick to insult and deride you for your beliefs does not make you wrong, or any less of a person for having those beliefs. The problem is that these people have something missing from their lives - and they do not know it is missing until they need it - which is usually too late.


Believe what you want to believe, and ignore the critics who have no real idea about anything. These are the people who gather in crowds to throw stones at the unknown because it scares them. Be satisfied that there are those around who do not mind that your beliefs are different to theirs, and leave the muck slingers to sling their muck at their own shadows because there is nothing else to present them with a target.




you are right there dragon to everything you have said


they can come on at me as much as they want nothing will alter my beliefs not unless someone came to me with 100% proof that it was all nonesense.i dont want to convert them, they can believe in anything they want to. i have an open mind to anything.even if someone believes in something i dont believe in as long as its not harming anyone in anyway then its ok.

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summer1955, I do hope that you are takign this in good heart. I for one intend no bad feeling towards you and its nice to have a polite discussion like this :)


no i am not taking it to heart well not too much and its been good as i dont answer to threads very much and have realy enjoyed our scrap, i have strong feelings towards astrology tarot and the paranormal and very stubborn in those areas in my beliefs


i personally wish i had never taken up astrology not because i now feel that its not true but that i have let it take over my life, that is why now i will not do readings for other people and why i wont do tarot readings.


i gave it up around 1994 probably a year after my dad died as i got obsessed with death and told myself that i should have seen it coming i knew something was going to major happen but thought it was something else, because of things happening in my life around that time. you cant predict when someone is going to die, but i looked at everything i could in my dads chart but i had no time of birth and looked at every ancestor that i had a date of birth for that had died to see if there was any simulareties in their chart to determine death, was realy obsessed with it untill one day i thought thats it, can see some things same in some but not all but nothing to say thats it.so i put all my books away gave some away, didnt venture again untill 2005 when my late hubby was ill with cancer and dying. even though people told me i was good and some were disapointed that i was not doing astrology or tarots again i just gave it all up



not because i didnt beleive in any of it but because i failed, i found out years later that all astrologers admit to that they cant predict death


i will not now do it for anyone none of my lads have shown any interest in it so i have never looked into their charts for them as adults even though i did their chart when they were born. i mostly use it for looking at things they are born gifted with or what they may be able to do for a living ect and not for predicting what is going to happen in their life.


i think people should just get on with life and live it to how they want to live it and never look on astrology for predicting what or what not is going to happen in their life but not to dismiss it all together but to use it for a tool in understanding yourself and for taking some notice of what qualities you were born with and what you have the capability of learning and using, some people dont have much confidence in themselfs and dont always know what they want to do or what they are good at. i think astrology can help you there


but dont take this as its i am saying its proof it works just what i believe in what i have learnt with studying it.

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Re death, and predicting when it's posibly going to happen :-


None of us know precisely when we will shuffle of this mortal coil, cease to be, and become "ex-parrots" ;)


We know it will, inevitably, happen, as that's part of being mortal. Sooner or later, we will cease to be.


I personally don't think that there's much point in making a fuss about finding when it'll happen to us.


I think it's more important that we should concentrate more on living well, living justly, and doing our best to make what difference(s) we can, in our time here.

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political "prophecy" was a well-known genre in medieval writing, the verses were not usually real prophecies but were barbed attacks aimed at the current political situation. Nostradamus was only continuing in this tradition.


See J Wojcik and R Frontain, Poetic Prophesy in Western Literature (1984), M Reeves, The Influence of Prophecy in the Later Middle Ages (1994), and S Jansen, Political Protest and Prophecy under Henry VIII (1991).


And if you REALLY want some totally enigmatic prophecies, have a look at the Prophecies of Merlin in the 12-century History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth (Book 7). An attempt to interpret the prophecies ex post facto was made by a certain R J Stewart: http://www.dreampower.com/ProphMerlin.html

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Re death, and predicting when it's posibly going to happen :-


None of us know precisely when we will shuffle of this mortal coil, cease to be, and become "ex-parrots" ;)


We know it will, inevitably, happen, as that's part of being mortal. Sooner or later, we will cease to be.


I personally don't think that there's much point in making a fuss about finding when it'll happen to us.


I think it's more important that we should concentrate more on living well, living justly, and doing our best to make what difference(s) we can, in our time here.


you are so right pt.


at the time i was upset with losing my dad i thought because i had told people a lot of things that had come true i should have seen this coming and stopped it happening, thought if i could find something that could pinpoint to death could stop people dying earlier than they should.i dont beleive that now, wanted to be god i think, greif can do funny things to your mind.

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Re death, and predicting when it's posibly going to happen :-


None of us know precisely when we will shuffle of this mortal coil, cease to be, and become "ex-parrots" ;)


I think it's more important that we should concentrate more on living well, living justly, and doing our best to make what difference(s) we can, in our time here.


There are lots and lots of people who know either roughly or exactly when they are going to die. There are many people who know exactly how they are going to die. And not all these people are those who decide for themselves to end life. I'm even partly ignoring those people who are told they have 48 hours to live or whatever, or those who are taken hostage by murdering terrorists. I can even exclude the native american indian - some of whom know to the moment when they will die.


I think too much time is waisted on making sure we try to live well. I have no idea what living justly is. And I am certain that any difference many people make in life are so minute as to be ignored.


There are many theories and faiths based around death, and only the odd one is particularly morbid. There has always been a fascination with death and what may follow. Just ignoring it will not make it go away, and maybe by thinking about it we can change how we view the life we have.



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There are lots and lots of people who know either roughly or exactly when they are going to die. There are many people who know exactly how they are going to die. And not all these people are those who decide for themselves to end life. I'm even partly ignoring those people who are told they have 48 hours to live or whatever, or those who are taken hostage by murdering terrorists. I can even exclude the native american indian - some of whom know to the moment when they will die.

So, someone who has been given 48 hours to live, at 1400 hours on a Thursday, is going to expire at 1359hours on Saturday? Jane Tomlinson was given less than 6 months to live, after her diagnosis, and managed to hold on years, My friend frank was given one-to-four years to live, with his cancer diagnosis, and only survived for four months.


The ability of predicting one's own demise is an extremely rare phenomenon.


I think too much time is waisted on making sure we try to live well. I have no idea what living justly is. And I am certain that any difference many people make in life are so minute as to be ignored.


My intent is to live well, or as well as I am able. I don't consider it wasted.


How can you not know what "living justly" is? it's Living Honestly, - acting without exploitation of our planet and our fellow man, and being just in one's dealings. That philosophy of respect for others.


There are many theories and faiths based around death, and only the odd one is particularly morbid. There has always been a fascination with death and what may follow. Just ignoring it will not make it go away, and maybe by thinking about it we can change how we view the life we have.




Isn't that precisely the philosophy I put forward in the comments you just "answered"?


My point was that two out of every two living creatures on this earth will expire at some point, from some cause. 100% of us will shuffle off this mortal coil, whether at a young age or having lived to a ripe old age.


We need to think about the impact we have on this world in our lives.


My hope is that when my time comes, and I do my own Shuffling, and become that "ex-parrot" that people will look back with a smile, and with good, happy memories, and remember me as someone who did her best, and made a difference, however small.

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