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Have a look at these photos of sheffield


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Hi from Shane in New Zealand.Enjoyed the site you posted on old pics of Sheffield.

As Im researching old Sheffield from the 1800's how can I date these pics to then ?

Should I find what I am looking for where do I apply for permission to use pics ?


I am new to seraching Sheffield and not sure what's where as I need old pics of 84 Langsetts Road 1861 area if any still exist and what was in Sheffield at that time near that home.


Can you help or suggest anything Thanks Shane.

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I'm just having a look myself


are you sure it's langsett road you're after, as there is a pic of 84 langsett avenue





when you say 'laws on what you can use' - where are you planning to use the pics, as that determines which bit of the law applies?

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Yes definetly 84 Langsetts Road as on the 1861 cencus.


Well I'm trying to produce a book about Surgeon/Dr Thomas Leslie Crooke his life and atleast 100 people in his autograph book (from the 800-900 he amassed) which I possess and am studying their lives.Family relations associates colleagues etc...


I am really unfamiliar with the law and copy rights as such.Shane.

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you shouldn't have too much trouble obtaining an answer from sheffield city council as to whether you can use certain pictures - if you let them know which ones you're interested in


if picturesheffield doesn't have a contact address, google for the council website, and use the firstpoint@ form of their address

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Ok this is great thanks .Would have been easier if Langsetts Ave my luck.

I did see the Hillsborough barracks and that's where his father was an Army chaplain during the Crimean war.


I can't find where the young Thomas Leslie Crooke went to school in his youth ,as it was suggested his parents may have sent him away to school since he later in life attended Edinburgh University.

But each scene of Old Sheffield helps create a sense of what it was like then.

These site you mentioned are superb thanks again and again.Shane

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