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George Longden, Builders


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When I worked for the Midland Bank in the early 1970s (the branch which is now the Banker's Draft pub) we had Longden's accounts. I remember that the firm was very carefully managed, and it had a long history, back to the 1830s/40s I think. Longdens had built the extension to the bank branch in c. 1960. At that time their HQ was in St Peter's Close (off Hartshead but hard to find!)


That's right.


I remember in my first job in the NHS (1976) when Longdens were doing a number of big construction jobs - Northern General was one and perhaps Barnsley DGH -we paid them a cheque for over a million pounds. Two of us delivered it by hand as nobody trusted the post with that kind of money.

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my son, tom hickman, omitted my father's name. John noel hancock, who was MD at Longdens until he retired early in about 1970. I have photos of him with Lol Jackson wearing a chain of office, and my Mum Betty remembers him well. Alan Hanwell took over as MD and still sends us cards, and we performed a silly pageant for Dad with Bob? and others from Longden doors in Feb 2003. Dad died in jan 2004 aged 90. Fred Hancock, my uncle worked there, and his wife is 90, living in Athens with daughter Val. Hamish, dads couisin, lives in Baslow with wife audrey. Mum was dads secretary before they married, and he had been widowed from Olga his first wife. I'd love to know more about the man and the firm. I knew Mary Longden, but never met or remembered Annie, who was Lord Mayor.

Yours, Liz Hickman of Youlgrave;)

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Dear Mrs Hickman,

Thank you so much for your message;I can`t tell you what a pleasure it is to at last find someone with close connections with the firm .

Perhaps I should explain why I am pursuing this line of enquiry.

My dad started work there in1914 and left sometime after completing fifty years service.There was an item in The Star and a photo showing John presenting him with the clock he had had in his office for many years.

Sadly he and my mother separated in 1939 ,when I was six , and he was allowed to see me once a week.He was always reticent and disclosed very little of his life to me and I still do not know why my parents split up!

I am 75 years old and in poor health, but have been writng my biography,so have thought a lot about times past. It has always been a great pity that I knew so little about Dad ,but I hope to find something out by using this forum.

I know that he and Mr Hancock were close collegues.I have met him several times. After leaving Nether Edge Grammar school in1949 and before sarting work for the Inland Revenue I did a short spell of work at Longdens helping with some simple clerical work .

I saw most of the senior staff Icluding Jimmy Longden,Hamish,Percy Allen,Allan Hanwell Mr Fisher and wasimpressed by their friendy manner.

I have a photo (among others) at what appers to be a dinner where Dad is making as speech.Jack is sitting next to him and Hamish. Also oone taken at his retirement showing several members of staff.

I can scan them and send them to you if you wish ,but will of course ned you Email address.

Should youwish to contact me by Email mine is baz.jack@ntlworld.com

Do you know of a Mr Earnshaw?He used to be at GL&S and lived somewhere off Crookesmoor Road. Mother and I visited several times.

Did you ever meet my father?

We used to go to Hillsborough to see most of the home games and he used let me call in the office to collect a season ticket.

There is more I could write but will have to go now.

I would love to hear from you again.

Thank you again for being in touch;is has pleased me greatly.

Kind regards

(Lawrence) Barry Jackson

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Hi. I used to work at Longdens from 1970 to 1973, first as a junior and then as a typist. I remember Fred Hancock and Alan Hanwell along with quite a few other employees. David Small who used to work in planning started a re-union for ex employees, meeting up every two years but last year there wasn't one so don't know if they are making it longer in between re-unions now. He compiled a list of employees who attended, who have sadly passed away and those that haven't been traced. Although I am not in touch with any of them I think I still have the list of employees. The only person I do see regularly is the daughter of the receptionist that used to work there, Corrine. If you want any more info on the office employees you could e mail me at cbradder@btinternet.com. Don't have any info on site personell. Good luck with your search.

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Hi Chris,

Sorry to have missed you whilst at Logden's I left Sept 1968.I did not know anyone organized reunion's ,have never been contacted and haved lived at my current address since March 1966 I must have escaped the net. It would be kind of you to E-Mail me a list of names if it is not to much trouble and maybe I can give my memory a jog.I worked downstairs in accounts with Len Cooper and Violet Sanderson they are two I remember. One of the foreman joiners from that time lives in Worksop and is in his 90's by the name of Walter Askew. Will look forward to receiving your private E-Mail.


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Hi again. I've tried to send p.m. but not very successful. I've never sent one before so replying again on here. I've looked for the list and can't find it yet as not long moved home. I can probably get a copy anyway if I can't find it. I remember Violet Sanderson. Do you remember Joy Bailey, Pat(can't remember her surname but worked with Joy.) George Hirst, Terry Hornagold, John Bradder and Wilf Hible. They all worked downstairs when I started. If you send me your e-mail address I can give you lots more names and what has happended to them, especially the ones I remember and the ones I know about, but too long to write on here. I may be able to find out if there is going to be another re-union and where. Its usualy in October but like I mentioned before it was due last year and didn't hear of one. Hope to hear from you soon. Regards

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I worked for Geo Longden AND son AS an apprentice joiner from 1963--1968, i started at the Sheffield Cathedral and then on numerous contracts terminating at their joiners shop at parkwood road Neepsend. The company was never one of the best payers in the building tade but had a workforce of tradesmen seconed to none. My father (rip) was a tower crane driver for many many years and wouldn't have a bad word said against the company, he was so proud to have worked for such a prestigious Sheffield institution. I was one of the founder members of Longdens football team run by Peter Kenrick, i played a good few years and have lots of great memories. I also attended two re-unions which was brilliant to see the old faces again. Sadly lots missing.

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