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Dennis Collins Swap Shop On Upwell Street


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I used to work near his old shop in Grimesthorpe.


We looked in the shop everytime we went to the chip shop.


He had the most incredible items in the shop.


I still own a plate camera and brass bound tripod which I bought from him.


One time he had a full sized Huskie sled which must have been ten feet long.


On another occasion he had a Corsican vendetta knife which had a solid silver handle.


The place was a treasure trove in those days.


Happy days!

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  • 6 years later...
Does anyone remember this shop with the two dwarfs in the window on Upwell Street?


Dennis Collins he had a shop opposite my old school on Grimesthorpe Rd an absolute gold mine full of air rifles fishing tackle OH and mucky books :hihi:in fact he could have got anything given enough time a tight old git had a morris marina about 30 yrs old.

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