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Do you Remember Old Mother Riley


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Lucan and McShane hated each other. I think she was only 15 when she married him. It appears she had a succession of 'friends' and he didn't like it. Kitty was the boss of the team too, but really - what was she without him? - nothing. All I remember her saying was 'Oh Mother'. I believe her parting shot to him at his funeral was 'You B-----d'.

Lucan was an acoholic..and some times when lucan was indisposed an understudy used to play his part on stage, and the audience never knew the diference co's the understudy was so good...I don't remember his name but he became quite well known after lucan died.

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HI You mean Wilford Pickles and his piano accompanist Jean played Ena Sharples in later years, Cheers Arthur


Arthur, it wasn't Jean - it was Violet Carson who played the piano, and yes, she did attain fame as Ena Sharples. 'Give 'em the money Mabel. Are you courting?'

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Lucan was an acoholic..and some times when lucan was indisposed an understudy used to play his part on stage, and the audience never knew the diference co's the understudy was so good...I don't remember his name but he became quite well known after lucan died.



Tim it was Roy Rolland. He was fantastic as Arthur Lucan's understudy.

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Who was it who used to say '' I'll seperate you from your breath''? Was it Old Mother Riley or Norman Evans in his 'Over the Garden Wall' sketch? I know when she got belligerent Old Ma' would start rolling her sleeves up a say things like 'I'll marmalize ya', etc, etc.

Somebody mentioned ITMA (It's that man again). Remember the characters in that show, Mrs Mopp,(Can I do you now sir?) Colonel Chinstrap (I dont mind if I do), always trying to get a drink. And Funf the mysterious German spy? And Claud and Cecil, the removal men? (To me Claud, No, to me Cecil).

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  • 2 months later...

Old Mother Riley,whos real name was Arthur Towle, was born in Boston Licolnshire.The name Arthur Lucan was his stage name before he became OLD MOTHER RILEY.A that time he was a vaudeville act doing an eccentric walk, when he met Kitty McShane,one of 10 children,He married her when she was just sixteen years old,and brought her to England.He did NOT die on stage in Hull (the Tivoli Theatre), he died in the wings,as he was just ready to make his entrance. His last public performance was made the evening before ,at the ALHAMBRA, Barnsley,and he was living at that time in a caravan with the man who played the part of the Mayor in the comedy sketch,in a pub yard in Monk Bretton,Barnsley. His grave in Hull, was neglected for many years, untill the late,and very great Les Dawson found it,and had it cleaned up.

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I'm sure I used to go to see Old Mother Riley and her daughter Kitty at the Pictures. Slapstick comedy which made me laugh at the time and I'm sure wouldn't now.



They would still make you laugh Hazel. The stories were silly, but some of the things Arthur Lucan said are immortal. Some of his actions are still funny. I have quite a few of the films on DVD.

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