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Do you Remember Old Mother Riley


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Old Mother Riley,whos real name was Arthur Towle, was born in Boston Licolnshire.The name Arthur Lucan was his stage name before he became OLD MOTHER RILEY.A that time he was a vaudeville act doing an eccentric walk, when he met Kitty McShane,one of 10 children,He married her when she was just sixteen years old,and brought her to England.He did NOT die on stage in Hull (the Tivoli Theatre), he died in the wings,as he was just ready to make his entrance. His last public performance was made the evening before ,at the ALHAMBRA, Barnsley,and he was living at that time in a caravan with the man who played the part of the Mayor in the comedy sketch,in a pub yard in Monk Bretton,Barnsley. His grave in Hull, was neglected for many years, untill the late,and very great Les Dawson found it,and had it cleaned up.



I think you will find the last time he appeared on stage was at THE THEATRE ROYAL in Barnsley - on a Saturday night. They were due to open in Hull the following Monday and, as you say he never quite made it to the stage.

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Youre quite right ,my appologies.I remember someone telling me ,when he died there were a couple of dustbins full of empty whisky bottles at the back of his caravan ,and people in the neighbourhood could hear him and the other man who he shared the caravan with ,arguing and fighting quite often. Another person i used to know,worked in the chorus for the Lucan&McShane Co,as it was called then.He said that Kitty was a vile person,who would inspect their hands&teeth before "curtain up",and really tear in to them if things didnt meet her approval.The only time they conversed with L&McS other than in the script,was when they were getting paid apparently,if you stayed for a second season, your money went up , as people were constantly leaving the show,mostly on account of her.As soon as the shows were over, Kitty would be off with one of her "escorts",and Arthur was usually up in the circle with a chorus girl&a bottle of whiskey.THERES NO BUISNESS LIKE SHOW BUISNESS?.

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Arthur, it wasn't Jean - it was Violet Carson who played the piano, and yes, she did attain fame as Ena Sharples. 'Give 'em the money Mabel. Are you courting?'

Hi Nigel, Correct ,I thought it did not sound right after typing it .Cheers Arthur.

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