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Today we find God in a pipe in Geneva


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Today we find God in a pipe in Geneva, maybe. We all know that the CERN LHC Large Hadron Collider is being turned on, but what of the outcome?


What happens if some of our greatest minds find science and God in equal measure? Where do we go from there?

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Sorry to be serious folks, but I was interested to hear how people might feel if our largest ever experiment gave us a nod in the direction of the existence of God.


I hope that it isn't too early to cast such a question on the waters of SF, if so I'll leave you to your frivolity.

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A lot of money spent and the out come will:

Cure Cancer

Provide World Peace

End poverty

Repair the Ozone Layer

Provide a new renewable energy


er... no


at best they will find out that highly charged particles when crashed together make pretty lights.


at worsed they will find out that highly charged particles when crashed together create a big bang and bye bye existance.


Shouldn't they focus on the little things above and when they are sorted and everyones happy then they can destroy the earth.


20 minutes to go. Anyone fancy a doomsday shag?

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Sorry to be serious folks, but I was interested to hear how people might feel if our largest ever experiment gave us a nod in the direction of the existence of God.


I hope that it isn't too early to cast such a question on the waters of SF, if so I'll leave you to your frivolity.


How would that happen?

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I'm hoping it's not the same pipe Bin Laden's been hiding in :hihi:


If indeed we do discover the meaning of life or the existence of the Great Creator, as we hurtle along the roller coaster ride of the LHC, we could probably expect to feel her displeasure for arrogance and uninvited door-stepping.


Well they've turned it on and I'm still here, blissfully ignorant..mind you I can see a couple of elderly Jehovah's Witnesses walking up the road :D

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Shouldn't they focus on the little things above and when they are sorted and everyones happy then they can destroy the earth.


But if we had that attitude wouldn't we all still be sat in caves banging rocks together? Loads of things that we have are a result of 'pointless' experiments.

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