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Today we find God in a pipe in Geneva


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Sorry Tony, but proving a theory of how the universe works at the quantum and/or cosmic level won't explain why the universe exists.


That's true Greybeard, but it initiates a small step along the way, this is one of those ground breaking experiements like the first trans-atlantic phone call or when Neanderthal Man decided to take the corners off the square wheel he'd been struggling with for centuries :)

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But if we had that attitude wouldn't we all still be sat in caves banging rocks together? Loads of things that we have are a result of 'pointless' experiments.


Even if we were you could bet someone would come along and say "Oi! Ugg! Stop doing that, a chip could fly off and have someone's eye out!"

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What happens if some of our greatest minds find science and God in equal measure? Where do we go from there?


Whatever they find there will still be unanswered questions that those who believe in god will point to as proof of god's existence. If they do find a particle or even many particles that had not been previously guessed at then the next step surely would be to explore what they are and how they work, which to me defines scientific exploration and discovery. There will always be the philosophical element in the far reaches of scientific exploration as in the absence of hard facts the easiest metaphors to use are philosophical.

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So if they disscover how WE and possibilly the Universe is made this not going to tell us how to cure " the little things " like cancer, some people !


Also to take a point with some people saying we are overstepping ourselves with God.

I say maybe its part of the plan, for us to solve the puzzle and be closer to him / she / it.


Just a thought.

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Also to take a point with some people saying we are overstepping ourselves with God.

I say maybe its part of the plan, for us to solve the puzzle and be closer to him / she / it.


Just a thought.


I think we're more likely to find a few empty crisp packets in that pipe than any evidence of the existence of a superior being.

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Sorry to be serious folks, but I was interested to hear how people might feel if our largest ever experiment gave us a nod in the direction of the existence of God.


I hope that it isn't too early to cast such a question on the waters of SF, if so I'll leave you to your frivolity.


I suppose if they can create matter it opens up the chance that we were actually created by a far more advanced civilization.

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I think we're more likely to find a few empty crisp packets in that pipe than any evidence of the existence of a superior being.
That's actually not that outlandish... Engineers at the LHC's predecessor Large-Electron Positron Collider once found 2 empty bottles of heineken jammed in the beam pipe probably as an act of sabotage...
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;4035019']That's actually not that outlandish... Engineers at the LHC's predecessor Large-Electron Positron Collider once found 2 empty bottles of heineken jammed in the beam pipe probably as an act of sabotage...


It must have been one of those lagers that reaches the parts other beers cannot reach :hihi:


Actually now they've started this experiement, I wonder how long it will be before they start to experiement with the deconstruction and reconstruction of matter on a molecular level..a couple of beer cans might be a good start.

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