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Today we find God in a pipe in Geneva


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Also as you're reading this they've just successfully completed the first full circuit of protons around the LHC.... and we're all still here! I guess the doomsayers will have to do what they always do when a predicted date for the end of the world passes without anything happening. Postpone it to a later date so that us sensible well informed people can laugh at them for several more occasions.

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;4035059']I guess the doomsayers will have to do what they always do when a predicted date for the end of the world passes without anything happening. Postpone it to a later date so that us sensible well informed people can laugh at them for several more occasions.


..the religious amongst us would suggest that's what the land lubbers were doing as Noah crammed a load of humanity onto his Ark :hihi:

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A lot of money spent and the out come will:

Cure Cancer

Provide World Peace

End poverty

Repair the Ozone Layer

Provide a new renewable energy


er... no


at best they will find out that highly charged particles when crashed together make pretty lights.


at worsed they will find out that highly charged particles when crashed together create a big bang and bye bye existance.


Shouldn't they focus on the little things above and when they are sorted and everyones happy then they can destroy the earth.


20 minutes to go. Anyone fancy a doomsday shag?


The world wide web developed out of a CERN project in the late 80s/early 90s and I think it's not going too far to say that many worthy causes (including the seach for a cancer cure) have benefitted enormously from the almost instant spread of ideas and knowledge that the WWW facilitates. So, don't knock it - we have no idea what beneficial offshoots the current experiments will have.


Btw, even tho it's not doomsday, I'm game for a quick paper bag.

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