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Today we find God in a pipe in Geneva


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Today we find God in a pipe in Geneva, maybe. We all know that the CERN LHC Large Hadron Collider is being turned on, but what of the outcome?


What happens if some of our greatest minds find science and God in equal measure? Where do we go from there?


Back to basics, I like to think the vedics/vedars would have built the hadron collider a few thousand years ago had they not been wiped out.

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Well, end as we know it. Maybe not end..


Einstein said that God does not play dice, but Stephen Hawking reckons he does - 'All the evidence points to him being an inveterate gambler, who throws the dice on every possible occasion'.


I'm betting on God plays peek-a-boo. How about the very first collision image looks like "God woz 'ere" but they haven't got the recording stuff calibrated properly, and the next couple of hundred years are spent trying to reproduce the result, 'cos that's science :P


although if God decided to reveal itself, then why not also 'STOP' the world and let us all party it up for the rest of eternity?...... Oh please, oh please....


Gi oer! I'm still recovering from last weekend ;)

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Einstein said that God does not play dice, but Stephen Hawking reckons he does - 'All the evidence points to him being an inveterate gambler, who throws the dice on every possible occasion'.


:hihi: maybe he plays when he's in the mood, like we do, but because he has an eternity to play with, it all appears to happen too fast for us humans to actually notice what score he got.

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Originally Posted by Tony

Hmm, it is certainly beyond me to make a qualititive assumption, but say for example that the results show new particles, perhaps the elusive dark matter and that they behave with a well defined order, a plan if you like, they don't conform to any chaos models that we might expect... they show intelligent design.


Let's then say that their origin extends further back than the known particles, ie the intelligent design preceeds the standard model.


Might that be tantamount to evidence of God?


One of the things we are hoping for evidence of is the Multiverse theory. No begining or end, unlimited Universes all with different rules of physics. Most just collapse in on themselves, the ones that “work” survive longer and are more stable, like our own. The fact that we are here to build this collider as an advanced civilizations, in its self, shows that the rules in our Universe work. It’s not intelligent design, its huge amounts of time and billions upon billions of failed Universes, hardly intelligent, more chance.


But if String theory is correct, we have a very simple model, and elegant model, that is simple and pure and that some people think suggests design. But of course if we add in Branes and the Multiverses, the design argument becomes mute. But CERN will not prove either, it just gives us some evidence that the theoretical physics models are correct. It will fall far short of proof. However what CERN can do is disprove String theory. No supersymmetry means no string theory. However then it’s back to the drawing board, we are left with three models that do not gel together very well. Things at a quantum scale, not applying to Universal sized objects, and then the issue of gravity. So we are back to a very complex system, with no simple way to explain them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

After spending a year locating a small bit of copper pipe the repairs are expected to be finished in a few weeks and the LHC fired up once again.


Maybe it's just fallible human engineering, but perhaps we seen the hand of God at work or Mother Nature calling a halt.


Maybe we're about to find the answer to a question that we don't really understand?

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After spending a year locating a small bit of copper pipe the repairs are expected to be finished in a few weeks and the LHC fired up once again.


Maybe it's just fallible human engineering, but perhaps we seen the hand of God at work or Mother Nature calling a halt.


Maybe we're about to find the answer to a question that we don't really understand?

Or maybe your about to find an answer to a question that YOU don't understand... and even when you have that answer you still wont understand it...
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I have accepted the word of science that climate change is a real threat


The forces trying to push the case for anthropogenic global warming are not above a little scientific fraud to boost their case.


There is far from a scientific consensus on the issue.


According to Al Gore, the "science is settled". That is not the scientific approach. Questioning, testing and adapting to new data as it is discovered is.

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