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Today we find God in a pipe in Geneva


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Why is this in Sheffield Chat? I thought the collider is in Switzerland?


Not quite the same but I have my small hadron collider at alco HQ area 51 and a half in Sheffield ... Think the Swiss copied it ! - Not well chuffed! :suspect:

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The world wide web developed out of a CERN project in the late 80s/early 90s and I think it's not going too far to say that many worthy causes (including the seach for a cancer cure) have benefitted enormously from the almost instant spread of ideas and knowledge that the WWW facilitates. So, don't knock it - we have no idea what beneficial offshoots the current experiments will have.


Btw, even tho it's not doomsday, I'm game for a quick paper bag.


Isn't the 'Grid' the new supercomputer designed to replace the now famous invention by Tim Berners-Lee for CERN and, working at 10000 times the capacity coming on soon. With this sort of computing power I would personally forsee many advancements in science. Maybe atom smashing may be of little interest to many people but holographic Tv's, gaming, downloading a full feature film in 5 seconds etc may interest people more as did the offshoots of the first CERN computer

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Sorry to be serious folks, but I was interested to hear how people might feel if our largest ever experiment gave us a nod in the direction of the existence of God.


I hope that it isn't too early to cast such a question on the waters of SF, if so I'll leave you to your frivolity.

dont worry ,i read one report where because of several set backs with the machine scientist think some one from the future is sabataging the experiment

if its from the future then obviously we survive and all is well

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dont worry ,i read one report where because of several set backs with the machine scientist think some one from the future is sabataging the experiment

if its from the future then obviously we survive and all is well


I think the theory was that the machine breaks itself.

Something to do with the particles created from smashing the atoms, not having any bearing of time, so if the hadron collider manages to work in 20 years, the particles created from it then, may be breaking it now.

Or back then.

Or whenever.

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Today we find God in a pipe in Geneva, maybe. We all know that the CERN LHC Large Hadron Collider is being turned on, but what of the outcome?


What happens if some of our greatest minds find science and God in equal measure? Where do we go from there?


Define 'God'?

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god is all


Then presumably, it's not possible to find God?


There would be need to be some thing that is *not God* in order for that thing to find God. Also God (using your definition) could not be found *in* a pipe, because God would actually *be* the pipe too (and he would also be you and me, and the internet, and everything and nothing, such as to render the use of the word God meaningless and empty).


Maybe we should get together, and trademark God, and start up a religion and charge people a tidy sum of money to be blessed by God and / or not be on the receiving end of Gods wrath ... sounds like a pretty good business plan to me!

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Then presumably, it's not possible to find God?


There would be need to be some thing that is *not God* in order for that thing to find God. Also God (using your definition) could not be found *in* a pipe, because God would actually *be* the pipe too (and he would also be you and me, and the internet, and everything and nothing, such as to render the use of the word God meaningless and empty).


Maybe we should get together, and trademark God, and start up a religion and charge people a tidy sum of money to be blessed by God and / or not be on the receiving end of Gods wrath ... sounds like a pretty good business plan to me!


god's purpose is understand itself and we are part of that process

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