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Peacock Inn, Owler Bar: Review (1/10)


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Last Sunday we went to The Peacock Inn. It truly was a disaster. Here are the bullet points for your enjoyment.


  • On arrival we were told we would have to wait 10 minutes for a table, we waited 1h 5 minutes
  • Are there any high chairs?
  • No they are all being used.
  • Will you let us know if any free up.
  • Yes.
  • After asking about the make-up of the gravy for the vegetarian roast (it came with a butternut squash pie) we were sighed at, and told it was made from beef.
  • We asked if they had a vegetarian gravy, they said no.
  • Not even bisto?
  • No.
  • Can you do us a parsely or cheese sauce?
  • No.
  • ... Why not?
  • Because all the sauces come in pre-prepared sachets.
  • That's.... very little chef, but that's fine, we don't mind, we'll have one of those sauces.
  • You can't.
  • Why not?!
  • Because the sachets are not for other meals.
  • ...!
  • Can you just make us a roux based white or cheese sauce.
  • The chefs don't do that.
  • Why not, even I can make a cheese sauce!
  • We have sachets.
  • OKOKOK, no gravy, we'll have it dry.
  • We ordered 4 of the Vegetarian options with roast (they were also available with seasonal vegetables)
  • My wife nips to the loo and returns with 2 high chairs.
  • Our meals arrived after 1h 50minutes, 2 lamb dishes (with cold mash), 1 roast beef (with cold beef) and 4 Vegetarian meals
  • With seasonal vegetables
  • And beef gravy.
  • We left.


Seriously incompetent, an absolute disgrace to the ctering industry.

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  • On arrival we were told we would have to wait 10 minutes for a table, we waited 1h 5 minutes
  • Our meals arrived after 1h 50minutes, 2 lamb dishes (with cold mash), 1 roast beef (with cold beef) and 4 Vegetarian meals


Seriously incompetent, an absolute disgrace to the ctering industry.


you waited how long for a table? and how much longer for the food?

you are one seriously patient bunch of people!

must have gone from lunch to teatime staff rota whilst you were there , thats your problem...

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Good to see this place is consistently poor. I'd avoid like the plague. Their head office sent us 40 quids worth of vouchers to apologise for our shocker dining experience .... needless to say we didn't use the freebie as I refuse o set foot in the place until it's taken over and not run by fools.

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I love the food here, they do a mean rare steak salad! mmmm however, the staff are dippy as hell and can't get anything right! I ordered a glass of wine and they brought a water, starters: they brought it with the mains??? Dippy young lads!


I's sad that the quality of staff leads to bad reviews and customers not going anymore!

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  • 2 months later...



Visited the pub today. I assume it has changed hands in the last year or so.


We first visited The Peacock in 2004 for a friend's birthday and were delighted with the range of food and quality of the dinner which was brought to us. My friends were regulars in the pub, and we regularly visited after that because the food was always good, and it was half way between our place in Sheffield, and theirs in Baslow.


When they moved closer, we stopped going for practical reasons, but we had family stay this weekend who wanted some great pub grub, so I drove us all to the Peacock.


I explained before we set off that we would be waiting a long time for food (as we always have had to) but that when it arrived, the food would be fine.


What a disappointment.


The menu is now much more restricted than it was a year ago, and the service even slower. There was over an hour between ordering and our Mains being delivered. When my fiance's roast beef was served, it was clearly raw (pink, tasted uncooked, and raw/too chewy texture). Our waitress asked us if the food was ok and when we explained that one of the meals was raw, she committed two serious flaws: she did not say sorry; and she did not know what to do to improve the situation. She made no attempt to refer our complaint to a more competent co-worker.


When we finished, we spoke to a senior person, who said that we should have complained more during the meal and did not offer to rectify, and nor did he appologise.


In the past, the meals tasted fresh and were expertly prepared. Today they tasted like cheap "processed" meals.


Worst of all, our incompetent waitress thought that John Smiths was Real Ale.


We shall not return.

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