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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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As in every November, I watched the ceremony at the Cenotaph today with mixed feelings. It is right to remember those who gave their lives in wars, but there are also some hypocritical things about it. Nothing is said there, for instance, about the shoddy treatment those returning from the wars got from a "grateful" government, the assumptions that women, having contributed to the war effort, would now obediently return to being mere housewives. Likewise, although in Britain in several wars people were fighting to defend their country from attack, in other cases the soldiers were sent off to fight rather to protect the economic interests of the country or some such motive (disguised as regime change to get rid of a tyrant or whatever).


The pageantry can be moving, though I'd like to know if other countries hold similar ceremonies, e.g. Germany as defeated in two wars, France as having capitulated and allowed a puppet government to be installed, and even aiding the rounding up of the Jews.


There is also the assumption that it is a religious ceremony, with representatives of the various churches/faiths laying wreaths, and the Bishop of London speaking some pious words, with the implication that the commemoration is purely Christian (what about soldiers from the Empire who subscribed to other faiths?). Also there is NO representation of those who have no faith at all, but who may still have compassion for the waste of war, including the loss of their own family members--e.g. atheists and agnostics. One would like to see, for instance, at least one such person there, such as the head of the National Secular Society (I have declared myself here before as an atheist but I think that does not make me less human).


These are just a few thoughts at random and perhaps I'll get some flak, but any comments would be interesting.

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Well I saw a little of the ceremony this morning (10.50 to 11.15 on BBC1) and I saw the high-commisioners from all the commonwealth countries laying wreaths on the Cenotaph and I also saw representatives from all the major religions attending the service of remembrance - there was even a priest from the Greek Orthodox church so I'm not sure why you are complaining about this.


Personally I think that a remembrance day is much more appropriate than a day of, let's say, military parades. And it's a shame that our political leaders appear not to learn lessons of the past but that's a different discussion and it shouldn't stop us from honouring the brave men and women who sacrificed everything.

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a good post waltheof,i was at the parade in town this morning and watched the london one when i got back,yes ,you are right,the parade has been hyjacked by politicians and the use of the clergy as a political tool is very visible,they even prevented the wounded soldiers from the wars in iraq and afghanistan from being in the parade so they wouldnt spoil their politics by saying serving soldiers were forbidden on the march.

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The rememberance days in Ukraine & Russia are still held with great reverence but on a different day to ours.There people respect their, heros, as they are called.Good post Waltheof.


I don't know if it's still the case, but it used to be the tradition in Russia for a bride and groom to go to the local war memorial and lay their wedding bouquet there.

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Much of what Waltheof says is true, but getting down to basics, we honour the men and women who fought and sometimes died because they thought it was the right thing to do purely and simply. If they questioned why it didn't matter they still did it. What the governments that sent them out there were guilty of is worthy of discussion but in no way should interfere with the remembrance ceremony. If people choose not to attend that's their choice.

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