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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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I don't know why I'm trying to explain this to you, but I will try. Do you spare a thought for the people that America and "the west" has hurt over the years? All those still suffering napalm burns from Vietnam? All those Middle Eastern families who lost members by America carpet bombing cities in to submission when there were better ways to solve the problems?


I'm not apologising for anyone. I didn't even say those people in the towers deserved it, because they quite clearly didn't. What I am saying is, because of how America has treated those "lesser" countries, it was only a matter of time before something like that happened and, in hindsight, it wasn't surprising.


My point about the actual bombers was around them being brought up, from a very early age, to believe that what they were doing was right. That isn't their fault, it's the fault of the leaders. The ones who did the brainwashing!


Is that a clear enough explanation of my view? Or do you want me to try and explain it in a language you do understand?


How about the millions of people in Europe that owe their freedom from nazi and communist dictatorships and millions in Asia liberated from the Japanese due to the US. Why is it that people of your opinions always conveniently forget that part of history? I feel sorry for people who are so blinkered that they can only see what they want to see. I'd say you are brainwashed


If your mother ever gets beaten and robbed no doubt you'll feel a deep and abiding compassion for the thug who carried it out, specially if he pleads guilty in court and blames his criminal ways on being brought up in an underprivileged household and therefore it wasn't his fault.

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If your mother ever gets beaten and robbed no doubt you'll feel a deep and abiding compassion for the thug who carried it out, specially if he pleads guilty in court and blames his criminal ways on being brought up in an underprivileged household and therefore it wasn't his fault.

So using that yardstick then you would perhapse agree then that a person who's family or as you like examples of Mother was blown up by an invading army is justified in tying a bomb to himself and blowing up himself and some of the enemy as an act of revenge? Why is right for you to look for revenge and not them. The trick is to stop the terror on both sides.
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That's what I meant. Put slightly better than I said it. ;)


Basically, America are like the school bully. They push others around, torment them on a daily basis and take what they can from other countries.


Then, when the other countries retaliate, it comes as a complete surprise.


I'm not saying those in the towers deserved to die, but it is understandable that there was a reaction on such a scale from countries that America has been screwing over for years.


I still also think that America had something to do with it, but that's a discussion for another thread.

you love terrorists dont you,you sound a lot confused

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So using that yardstick then you would perhapse agree then that a person who's family or as you like examples of Mother was blown up by an invading army is justified in tying a bomb to himself and blowing up himself and some of the enemy as an act of revenge? Why is right for you to look for revenge and not them. The trick is to stop the terror on both sides.


Those people spend most of the time blowing their own kind up ie Sunnis and Shiites. They are a bunch of uneducated, superstitious, backward wife beating idiots. Medieval minded people living in the 21st century.

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Those people spend most of the time blowing their own kind up ie Sunnis and Shiites. They are a bunch of uneducated, superstitious, backward wife beating idiots. Medieval minded people living in the 21st century.

Every one has a reason for doing what they do, be it oil for the Americans, simple presige for the British, or revenge for the Sunnis and/or the Shi'ites against each other or the invaders. The Shi'ites feed their idiot followers a load of lies about the enemy and to keep them on side, the Sunnis do the same in reverse and the guess what the British and Americans feed their public? The very same, simple mis-information and often lies to keep oppinnion on side. It has become a media driven war and those who have some intellegence see through the lies but unfortunately many get taken in by it, be they Muslims, Christians, British or Americans. The winners are the Hatemongers.

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Every one has a reason for doing what they do, be it oil for the Americans, simple presige for the British, or revenge for the Sunnis and/or the Shi'ites against each other or the invaders. The Shi'ites feed their idiot followers a load of lies about the enemy and to keep them on side, the Sunnis do the same in reverse and the guess what the British and Americans feed their public? The very same, simple mis-information and often lies to keep oppinnion on side. It has become a media driven war and those who have some intellegence see through the lies but unfortunately many get taken in by it, be they Muslims, Christians, British or Americans. The winners are the Hatemongers.


Short of being there physically I would have to rely on the media. I'm not smart enogh to know what is mis-information and what is not and I dont bother going to these websites run by weirdos who claim to know that they and they alone have access to the real truth, which of course they dont

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:hihi:There is a saying, something about a kettle and pot or something:hihi:


I'm an apologist for no one. Dont come into my court claiming that "brainwashing made me do it". The firing squad will still be waiting outside.:hihi:



Judge Roy Harleyman. Law west of the Pecos

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All those Middle Eastern families who lost members by America carpet bombing cities


sorry to rain on your parade, or rather your total lack of knowledge as to what carpet bombing actually is, but the United States hasn't carpet bombed ANYWHERE since the Ho Chi Minh trail, and before that, not since WW2 - and certainly not anywhere in the Middle East, ever.

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