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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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Dont forget the the 9/11 atrocities were set up, and committed by the Americans themselves, simply to give them an excuse to invade Iraq.


Perhaps you should tell Lee Barnes BNP legal adviser in his July article: "The Shadow Government attacks its own Citizens" he claims Israel was responsible.

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The resolution was made after the attack.


We will just have to wait and see how it works out.


America is not desperate for oil is it?


I think the oil card has been overplayed.


If it wasn't oil what do you think possessed the US administration to make 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein to justify going to war? Ref

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Tragic and an unfortunate but sadly an inevitable part of war. Always has been, always will. That's the reality


How did Bin Laden feel knowing that HIS action would result in children of his (Faith?) being killed?


What for example was inevitable about the unprovoked attack by Blackwater employees on Iraqi civilians that killed 17 and had the Iraqi government outraged calling them terrorist whilst the US Govt protected them?

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Hear hear. God's blessings too on all the victims of the 'war on terror' who have also lost their lives as a consequence of violence.


One aspect that is truly shocking is the lack of respect for the victims in the US from the Govt, who have offered little or no help in lodging legal claims for medical compensation for injuries sustained during 9/11.




We believe the victims of the 9/11 attacks have yet to receive proper justice.


We find the fact that no authorized, sanctioned body at any level of government has properly investigated the environmental impact of the World Trade Center collapses and the extent to which it has affected the health of first responders and others exposed is inexcusable. Further, we feel the fact that this neglect has resulted in almost none of the more than $1.5 billion allocated for the healthcare of our nation’s heroes being used for its intended purpose is a national disgrace. Our heroes deserve medication, not litigation.


We believe that our politicians have wasted enough time. It is now time for all patriotic Americans to unite in the name of justice – justice for our fallen, justice for our heroes, and justice for our country.

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All those Middle Eastern families who lost members by America carpet bombing cities


sorry to rain on your parade, or rather your total lack of knowledge as to what carpet bombing actually is, but the United States hasn't carpet bombed ANYWHERE since the Ho Chi Minh trail, and before that, not since WW2 - and certainly not anywhere in the Middle East, ever.


No not carpet bombing. What they did do they described as "shock and awe" as explicit a description of the use terror as a weapon of war as you can get.

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If it wasn't oil what do you think possessed the US administration to make 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, about the national security threat posed by Saddam Hussein to justify going to war? Ref


Bush went to war on terrorists AND terrororist Government, he thought Saddam fell into the second bracket.
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"shock and awe" as explicit a description of the use terror as a weapon of war as you can get.


only if you've got an overactive imaginiation. It's a military doctrine that's supposed to destroy enemy capability to fight, not a terror tactic against civilians.

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Not anymore Jobee.


Your right tho..we'll just have to wait n see.


There was no oil in Nam but the US attacked and murdered 3 million

Vietnamese. All the Vietnamese wanted to do was remove foreign 'power' from their country and unite it under Vietnamese rule.


There is no oil in Afghanistan to speak of.


Sorry, I'm not at all keen on your oil notion.

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There was no oil in Nam but the US attacked and murdered 3 million

Vietnamese. All the Vietnamese wanted to do was remove foreign 'power' from their country and unite it under Vietnamese rule.


There is no oil in Afghanistan to speak of.


Sorry, I'm not at all keen on your oil notion.


They wanted to unite Vietnam under communist rule...the Americans had quite a thorny bush up their backside when it came to communism at that time. So...one day communism, another day oil.


No oil in Afghanistan??



Or type-in: 'Afghan Oil Pipeline'. It'll lead you to dozens of links.


I'm not so arrogant as to think it's all my notion...there are many people out there with eyes open...and minds.

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The Muslims must be laughing at traitors like you. Do you seriously think there is anyone like you over in the Middle East feeling guilty? You won't find any do-gooding, hand-wringing lefties in Iraq crying in their (non-alcoholic) beer every time a westerner is killed by a suicide bomb. Do you think they are saying "well, we had it coming" when we retaliate? Of course not. They are driven by blind hatred and a barbaric and oppressive religion.


Here in the west people like you have the luxury of guilt and feeling sorry for the terrorists because you live in a civilized, democratic country where free speech is encouraged.


No Muslim in Bradford, Leeds, Iraq or Saudi felt sorry after 9/11 or 7/7. They were dancing the streets (and still do every Sept 11). Just like traitors like you, they felt we had it coming. And yet here you are wringing your hands over the very people who would like to kill you because a thousand year-old book tells them it's OK to do so.


You seriously expect anyone to believe that EVERY Muslim feels the way that you believe them to?

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