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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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I am Sheffield born and bred but have lived in the US for many years although I am still very fond of Sheffield and Yorkshire as the place I grew up in and still have fond memories of.


I'm also fond of the US and feel obliged to put a good word in when certain blatantly ant-American individuals post hate mail about the country and who are obviously brainwashed by extremist religious beliefs and we know what that religion is dont we?


Harleyman. Just to get the record straight. I would also jump on the back of anyone who attacked Americans. You may not get this but I actually love America and it's people. My problem is American policy and American policy only...with the exception of British policy:gag: as that policy is only a reflection of the US. Personally like you I have a vested interest in the US. If it wasn't for the people of the US I probably wouldn't. I know a right from a right and a wrong from a wrong. We should not be in the middle East...to many are dying on both sides...far more than the reason we were led to believe we went in there in the 1st place.


Just to put things into perspective...I have a friend who lives in Michigan...he's Asian, wife and 2 children and runs a gas station(struggling alongside the rest of the locals).....you know what he wants? To live in piece and make a good life for his family..no more no less. The same goes for the Whites that I know too.


I think if you think deep enough...your against your new found governments policy too. You obviously don't like them so pull the boys home and let THEM get on with it.

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Richard Reid is a British citizen, born in London.


What I was implying was...Timothy McVeigh was a home grown terrorist.


For whatever reason even the Whites are getting ****** with the government.


And don't worry...Richard Reid will be getting lots of attention from his co mates. Just a pity McVeigh got off lightly.

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Harleyman. Just to get the record straight. I would also jump on the back of anyone who attacked Americans. You may not get this but I actually love America and it's people. My problem is American policy and American policy only...with the exception of British policy:gag: as that policy is only a reflection of the US. Personally like you I have a vested interest in the US. If it wasn't for the people of the US I probably wouldn't. I know a right from a right and a wrong from a wrong. We should not be in the middle East...to many are dying on both sides...far more than the reason we were led to believe we went in there in the 1st place.


Just to put things into perspective...I have a friend who lives in Michigan...he's Asian, wife and 2 children and runs a gas station(struggling alongside the rest of the locals).....you know what he wants? To live in piece and make a good life for his family..no more no less. The same goes for the Whites that I know too.


I think if you think deep enough...your against your new found governments policy too. You obviously don't like them so pull the boys home and let THEM get on with it.


9/11 started all this. There were terrorist attacks against the US prior to that but 9/11 was a declaration of war. I am sure that there will be another terrorist attack against the US sometime in the not too distant future and maybe even worse than 9/11


I am sorry for all the US and Brit soldiers who have been killed and wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq and also for the women kids and innocents also but the US did not start this. Bin Laden and his group knew what they were starting, knew that many of their own pwoplw would be killed but they didn't care did they.


I would say that the US has an interest in being in the middle east and killing off those members of Al Qaeda either piecemeal or wholesale. Many Al Qaeda have been already killed in Iraq and Pakistan and it's better that we are over there killing them than them over here killing us. Keeping them on the defensive is one way to possibly avert another attack.


The Pakistanis know where Bin Laden is hiding. They wont hand him over to the US because of the backlash from all the supporters of Bin Laden in that country. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are the so called allies who smile and shake hands yet are as anti-American as Syria and Iran


Tragic as it all is the war on terror is going to be a long one and more innocents killed along the way unfortunately

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What I was implying was...Timothy McVeigh was a home grown terrorist.


For whatever reason even the Whites are getting ****** with the government.


And don't worry...Richard Reid will be getting lots of attention from his co mates. Just a pity McVeigh got off lightly.


Timothy McVeigh got his so that score has been settled

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You know this how exactly?


Stands to reason when you look at Pakistan and it's government. The great majority of the population, probably as much as 90 percent are sympathetic to the Muslim extremists war against the west and many are members of the Taliban or associates of the Bin Laden group. The government, ostensibly pro western is weak and not in control of the extremists (THe Marriott Hotel bombing) and it's a well known fact that there are members if the Pakistan military who are passing on US plans of action against the Taliban and moves to locate and capture Bin Laden and other terorist leaders.


The Pakistan government leaders know that if Bin Laden were either captured or killed in Pakistan that he would suddenly become a great martyr and there would be widespread civil unrest in the shape of riots and bombings throughout the country and that the government would collapse.


They're walking on a tightrope and they know it so for that reason they have no serious interest in dealing with Bin Laden and in all probability know his whereabouts within a few square miles.

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