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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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Stands to reason when you look at Pakistan and it's government.

Yes let's look at it,......nice, not much known as it was only ellected in January and just about started functioning a couple of weeks ago


The great majority of the population, probably as much as 90 percent are sympathetic to the Muslim extremists war against the west and many are members of the Taliban or associates of the Bin Laden group.

The goverment was ellected by a huge MAJORITY and that does not square with your assertion that the same majority is now against the government and sympathetic towards extremists. They are however against the Americans drpppong bombs and killing civillians within Pakistan borders, NOT the same thing.



The Pakistan government leaders know that if Bin Laden were either captured or killed in Pakistan that he would suddenly become a great martyr and there would be widespread civil unrest in the shape of riots and bombings throughout the country and that the government would collapse.


They're walking on a tightrope and they know it so for that reason they have no serious interest in dealing with Bin Laden and in all probability know his whereabouts within a few square miles.

What rubbish!! Pakistan is already at war with extremists and paying a heavy price.

You are lacking in knowledge of Pakistan politics and your view is unbelievably biased towards the Fox Channel brainwashing. Pakistan is walking a tightrope alright but in a fight against terrorism, and the bombs are already going off all over the country and the populace who rejected the relgious parties in favour of non religious one deserves recognition, and not bad mouthing by discriminatory armchair warriors like you.

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So much for gratefulness to a country that has sacrificed so much for such a long time to assist US power in the region.


US gung-ho foreign policy has increased terrorism and made life more dangerous especially for people like its allies in Pakistan, in particular the bombings the US has recently carried out of Pakistani civilians.

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The government, ostensibly pro western is weak and not in control of the extremists (THe Marriott Hotel bombing)


Do you have any idea why US marines were carting steel boxes in to the Marriott and sealing it off according to PPP sources and the pakistan Daily before it was blown up? Ref

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Yes let's look at it,......nice, not much known as it was only ellected in January and just about started functioning a couple of weeks ago



The goverment was ellected by a huge MAJORITY and that does not square with your assertion that the same majority is now against the government and sympathetic towards extremists. They are however against the Americans drpppong bombs and killing civillians within Pakistan borders, NOT the same thing.



What rubbish!! Pakistan is already at war with extremists and paying a heavy price.

You are lacking in knowledge of Pakistan politics and your view is unbelievably biased towards the Fox Channel brainwashing. Pakistan is walking a tightrope alright but in a fight against terrorism, and the bombs are already going off all over the country and the populace who rejected the relgious parties in favour of non religious one deserves recognition, and not bad mouthing by discriminatory armchair warriors like you.


First off I watch every news channel available so dont waste time labelling me as brainwashed.


It's a no brainer that Paksitan is unstable and that it's miltary are not completely trustworthy in their loyalties. Treachery is a way of life amongst those people. Churchill once said words to the effect that the middlee east was a snake pit. The whole history of the northwest frontier is a story of shifting loyalties, double dealing and changing alliances.


The main thing however is that the US is over there fighting them and they not over here trying to kill us.


Why, you cannot even control the British born Muslim extremists as evidenced by the London bombings even taking into account that they were born and grew up in democratic and civilized culture. They were still brainwashed by lunatic clerics anyway.


It is evident that you are just another anti-American apologist for a group of suicidal lunatics who are the biggest threat to peace in the future

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First off I watch every news channel available so dont waste time labelling me as brainwashed.


It's a no brainer that Paksitan is unstable and that it's miltary are not completely trustworthy in their loyalties. Treachery is a way of life amongst those people. Churchill once said words to the effect that the middlee east was a snake pit. The whole history of the northwest frontier is a story of shifting loyalties, double dealing and changing alliances.


The main thing however is that the US is over there fighting them and they not over here trying to kill us.


Why, you cannot even control the British born Muslim extremists as evidenced by the London bombings even taking into account that they were born and grew up in democratic and civilized culture. They were still brainwashed by lunatic clerics anyway.


It is evident that you are just another anti-American apologist for a group of suicidal lunatics who are the biggest threat to peace in the future


That is very well said but the thing to bear in mind is that the Pakistani population are the ones suffering the front line of terrorism along with troops from both our Countries. They don't want this death and bloodshead on their doorstep.


It is very unfortunate the way things are going in Britain right now but our laws allow these groups to flourish and our open door policy on immigration doesn't help and the fact we give visas willy nilly to non English speaking mad Mullahs from any place in the world. We must accept responsibility for what is happening to us or change the law.

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That is very well said but the thing to bear in mind is that the Pakistani population are the ones suffering the front line of terrorism along with troops from both our Countries. They don't want this death and bloodshead on their doorstep.


It is very unfortunate the way things are going in Britain right now but our laws allow these groups to flourish and our open door policy on immigration doesn't help and the fact we give visas willy nilly to non English speaking mad Mullahs from any place in the world. We must accept responsibility for what is happening to us or change the law.


Which law do you think needs changing?

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First off I watch every news channel available so dont waste time labelling me as brainwashed.


No need for me to lable you, that you can all by yourself by the ignorance you've shown.

It's a no brainer that Paksitan is unstable and that it's miltary are not completely trustworthy in their loyalties. Treachery is a way of life amongst those people. Churchill once said words to the effect that the middlee east was a snake pit. The whole history of the northwest frontier is a story of shifting loyalties, double dealing and changing alliances.

If it wasn't for the complete proffessionalism of Pakistan army Musharaf would not have been able to take over a whole country of 160 million within two Hours, when he came to power. That is a slp in face of the bad mouthing Americans who have riogues in fatigues and only make up stories of the heroism by staging film stunts. Remember that resue in Iraq, what idiots?:loopy:


The main thing however is that the US is over there fighting them and they not over here trying to kill us.

The US is fighting the Pakistan army? Are you on drugs dude? or are you just simply out of touch?


Why, you cannot even control the British born Muslim extremists as evidenced by the London bombings even taking into account that they were born and grew up in democratic and civilized culture. They were still brainwashed by lunatic clerics anyway.


It is evident that you are just another anti-American apologist for a group of suicidal lunatics who are the biggest threat to peace in the future

If Britain had no followed the idiot Americans blindly into an illegal war, then the equally idiotic terrorists would not have had a cause to attack London. You the stupid Americans gave those foolish scum a reason and then didn't have the guts to acceot that it may be your actions that lead up to the attacks. Thousands of innocent people have lost their lives because of thick Americans and even thicker appologists.


It is evident that you are just another anti-American apologist for a group of suicidal lunatics who are the biggest threat to peace in the future

No not supporter of any terrorists, American terrorising the world or those sacrificing innocent lives fighting them. You are however brainwasshed into not seeing any other point of view than what is fed to you, carry on be happy.:loopy:
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That is very well said but the thing to bear in mind is that the Pakistani population are the ones suffering the front line of terrorism along with troops from both our Countries. They don't want this death and bloodshead on their doorstep.


It is very unfortunate the way things are going in Britain right now but our laws allow these groups to flourish and our open door policy on immigration doesn't help and the fact we give visas willy nilly to non English speaking mad Mullahs from any place in the world. We must accept responsibility for what is happening to us or change the law.


Back to 9/11. The people of New York didn't want death and bloodshed on their doorstep either but they got it courtesy of the the scumbags hiding out in Pakistan.


Would any British Prime Minister or govenment have the nerve to change the law. I doubt it. They're all drowning in their wimpish political correctness

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Back to 9/11. The people of New York didn't want death and bloodshed on their doorstep either but they got it courtesy of the the scumbags hiding out in Pakistan.


Would any British Prime Minister or govenment have the nerve to change the law. I doubt it. They're all drowning in their wimpish political correctness


Which law do you think needs changing?

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Back to 9/11. The people of New York didn't want death and bloodshed on their doorstep either but they got it courtesy of the the scumbags hiding out in Pakistan.


Would any British Prime Minister or govenment have the nerve to change the law. I doubt it. They're all drowning in their wimpish political correctness


Oh I can weep on the gravestone of American intellect:hihi::hihi:

Maybe it would be an idea to appreciate that NO one wants bloodshed on their doorstep. Americans are too ready to spill others blood but bleat when it's their own. Human life is precious and should be valued even when it's not American you fools.

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