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Remembrance/Armistice Day (11 November)

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No need for me to lable you, that you can all by yourself by the ignorance you've shown.


If it wasn't for the complete proffessionalism of Pakistan army Musharaf would not have been able to take over a whole country of 160 million within two Hours, when he came to power. That is a slp in face of the bad mouthing Americans who have riogues in fatigues and only make up stories of the heroism by staging film stunts. Remember that resue in Iraq, what idiots?:loopy:



The US is fighting the Pakistan army? Are you on drugs dude? or are you just simply out of touch?


If Britain had no followed the idiot Americans blindly into an illegal war, then the equally idiotic terrorists would not have had a cause to attack London. You the stupid Americans gave those foolish scum a reason and then didn't have the guts to acceot that it may be your actions that lead up to the attacks. Thousands of innocent people have lost their lives because of thick Americans and even thicker appologists.


No not supporter of any terrorists, American terrorising the world or those sacrificing innocent lives fighting them. You are however brainwasshed into not seeing any other point of view than what is fed to you, carry on be happy.:loopy:


Amd you can just go on hiding your head in a little dark hole and pretending that everything is just all sunshine out there and there's no need to worry about bad men.


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Amd you can just go on hiding your head in a little dark hole and pretending that everything is just all sunshine out there and there's no need to worry about bad men.



Anser the post mad man, have the guts to debate points and not rhetoric. The only bad men are the drugged up American junkies wreaking havoc in a free for all killing spree in Iraq.

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Anser the post mad man, have the guts to debate points and not rhetoric. The only bad men are the drugged up American junkies wreaking havoc in a free for all killing spree in Iraq.


Why bother answering a post from someone who is so thick that he misread one of my previous posts and thought I said that the US troops were fighting the Pakistani army. Looks like you've hit on a bit of the old Mary Jane.......DUDE

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Which law do you think needs changing?


Radical clerics who spread hate and preach death and destruction should never be allowed into any country but apparently UK visa laws are so lax that these people were allowed in and preached their poison to Muslims in London and Birmingham.


What's so mysterious about barring out undersirables from a country?

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Why bother answering a post from someone who is so thick that he misread one of my previous posts and thought I said that the US troops were fighting the Pakistani army. Looks like you've hit on a bit of the old Mary Jane.......DUDE

Errrrm there you are oh thick Amercan read your own post again if you can read differently. North East frontier is in Pakistan by the way.

The whole history of the northwest frontier is a story of shifting loyalties, double dealing and changing alliances.

The main thing however is that the US is over there fighting them and they not over here trying to kill us.


They werer never there killing you anyway, so US is over there making friend for life. You will reap waht you're sowing now, but too idiotic to realise it. I am not surprised you can't answer the points I made about the Pakistan army. the Americans hyping up their heroism, and that bloodshed begets bloodshed, because you haven't any general knowledge of the world other than trash that is fed to you fools by likes of Fox Channel.
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Oh I can weep on the gravestone of American intellect:hihi::hihi:

Maybe it would be an idea to appreciate that NO one wants bloodshed on their doorstep. Americans are too ready to spill others blood but bleat when it's their own. Human life is precious and should be valued even when it's not American you fools.


Okay noodle brain so tell that to the sickos who go around crashing planes into buildings, blowing themselves up to kill as many others as possible and telling crap stories to the young, gullible and foolish that if they kill a non Muslim they will find paradise and the seven virgins.


I met someone like you driving a cab from Gatwick Airport and I was unlucky enough to be his passenger. Started ranting on about all the muslims that Americans kill.

I said "9/11.. shut up I've just come off an eleven hour flight" and that's what stopped his rant

Dont know what it will take to stop yours except letting you get in the last word so go ahead then toddle off. It's past yer bed time sony

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Okay noodle brain so tell that to the sickos who go around crashing planes into buildings, blowing themselves up to kill as many others as possible and telling crap stories to the young, gullible and foolish that if they kill a non Muslim they will find paradise and the seven virgins.



Hey if you're regarded as brainy in America then boy the rest must realy be stupid;)

You are the siko americans taken in by the virgin theory, and not the Muslims. The attack on twin towers was not in the name of Islam but directly linked to American involvement in Middle East and particularly in Saudi Arabia. the US administration explained to you idiots that it is their religion that tells them and you fell for it you gullible simpletons.

I met someone like you driving a cab from Gatwick Airport and I was unlucky enough to be his passenger. Started ranting on about all the muslims that Americans kill.

Are you trying to tell us that you are one of 7% of elite of America who holds a passport, well done you but pity doesn't guarantee brains though does it.


I said "9/11.. shut up I've just come off an eleven hour flight" and that's what stopped his rant

Dont know what it will take to stop yours except letting you get in the last word so go ahead then toddle off. It's past yer bed time sony

What a polite American you are?:loopy: So you've run out of anything decent to say in defence over the points made earlier and now playing the "not talking" game. You're so childish, now go away and don't get involved with something you don't know about. Now shooo!!:) or is it scooot?
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This latest pearl of wisdom from a Saudi Arabian cleric


(Quoted from "THe Week" - a news magazine w/ending Sep 26/2008)



Bad week for Mickey Mouse..... after a Saudi Arabian cleric denounced the beloved Disney character as one of "Satan's Soldiers" who is trying to trick Muslim children into loving mice.


"According to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases" said Sheikh Muhammad Munajid


Can we expect to see a headline in the Orlando Sentinel in the near future


"Mickey Mouse gunned down by cleric at Disneyworld"


Who is next on these idiots hate list? Donald Duck "The Devil Duck" perhaps?



This is what a steady diet of cous cous, sheeps eye balls and abstinence from beer brings about. Total Dementia :D

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Treachery is a way of life amongst those people. Churchill once said words to the effect that the middlee east was a snake pit. The whole history of the northwest frontier is a story of shifting loyalties, double dealing and changing alliances.



You mean like undermining a socialist republic, funding islamic extremist terrorists to start a bloody civil war who go on to turn the country in to an opium centre, watching a righteous backlash from a section of the rebels you have funded overthrow the drug barons. Then funding the extremist muslim drug barons to take control of the country again?..... except all of that as done by america directly or indirectly to Pakistans neighbour, with Pakistan being compliant and cooperative throughout, with them even contributing troops in the first Iraq war. To seal the friendship they are now bombing civilians inside Pakistan.... And you are blaming Pakistan for the situation.


I think someone in Pakistan is entitled to wonder... with friends like the US who needs enemies?

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